0:00:10.780,0:00:12.320 What is Net Neutrality? 0:00:13.220,0:00:16.000 Net neutrality is the equal treatment of all data. 0:00:16.360,0:00:18.000 Just like these data packets. 0:00:19.100,0:00:26.660 Net neutrality means that users like us should decide which devices, software, services, and websites are used. 0:00:27.660,0:00:33.000 Net usage should be open and without any third party telling us what will and won't work. 0:00:33.460,0:00:34.880 Why should you care? 0:00:35.300,0:00:39.220 Because it is an awesome thing from which you benefit every day 0:00:39.220,0:00:42.180 and because this[br]awesome thing is currently endangered. 0:00:43.020,0:00:49.300 A neutral network shows no discrimination towards the sender, content, or receiver of sent data packets. 0:00:49.300,0:00:52.660 It doesn't make any difference which rate the sender and receiver are paying, 0:00:52.660,0:00:56.060 or what kind of application or protocol sends or receives the packet. 0:00:56.720,0:00:58.060 Or in simpler terms... 0:00:58.060,0:01:01.520 Imagine the web as a road on which data packets are moving. 0:01:01.520,0:01:05.060 This road connects all[br]computers that are connected to the internet. 0:01:05.060,0:01:07.480 On the crossroads of these streets are routers, 0:01:07.480,0:01:10.720 which direct the data packets on the right route to their destination. 0:01:10.720,0:01:13.080 The routers don't care who comes down the road. 0:01:13.080,0:01:19.180 Nor do they care how they look, where they are from, where they want to go, or what content they have with them. 0:01:19.260,0:01:22.140 This way I can communicate directly with my friends 0:01:22.140,0:01:27.080 even if they are living on a different continent, pay different rates, or have a different provider than me. 0:01:27.160,0:01:30.980 I can access the internet to visit any website or play any game 0:01:30.980,0:01:34.940 no matter who is offering them or where the hosting servers are located. 0:01:34.940,0:01:38.720 I can watch any videos or read blogs from all over the world, 0:01:38.720,0:01:41.960 and I can take part in initiatives and open source projects. 0:01:41.960,0:01:48.480 I can do all this whether I am using a tablet, laptop, PC, or mobile device to access the internet. 0:01:48.760,0:01:52.580 This is what the internet is all about. This is the way we expect it to work. 0:01:52.640,0:01:57.540 We all benefit, as a community, from these neutral communication networks. 0:01:57.540,0:02:01.660 They guarantee our access to all available content on the worldwide web. 0:02:01.760,0:02:06.260 Because of this, the network providers earned billions within the last several years. 0:02:06.260,0:02:09.000 Net neutrality: an awesome idea for all of us. 0:02:09.300,0:02:11.000 So, what is the catch? 0:02:11.120,0:02:17.140 The telecommunication providers now make the claim that these imaginary data roads could experience traffic jams. 0:02:17.320,0:02:20.080 They want to abolish the concept of net neutrality. 0:02:20.120,0:02:24.060 Of course, this isn't true because data networks are not real roads. 0:02:24.160,0:02:27.740 As we know from the hardware manufacturers of this network infrastructure, 0:02:27.740,0:02:31.520 there is enormous untapped capacity in the network. 0:02:31.520,0:02:37.600 Not to mention, operators of content distribution[br]networks tell us that data traffic is unbelievably cheap. 0:02:37.940,0:02:41.040 But why are telecommunication companies making these claims? 0:02:41.040,0:02:46.920 For years these connection providers have been jealously looking at the biggest profit centres of the internet's service providers: 0:02:46.920,0:02:51.640 content providers, search engines, video platforms and social networks. 0:02:52.240,0:02:57.280 They all want their share of these profits as the digital age reduces traditional revenue streams. 0:02:57.820,0:03:04.000 Now, they want not only to transport data, they also want to exert power and control on whatever is offered. 0:03:04.560,0:03:06.720 So how do they want to do that? 0:03:07.380,0:03:14.500 To achieve this, the telecommunication providers have considered splitting the data into categories, or rather castes. 0:03:14.860,0:03:20.960 The lowest caste of this system would be the regular internet,[br]which would only be available for a limited amount of data, 0:03:20.960,0:03:26.020 and would have to take a back seat to higher castes when being sent through the data network. 0:03:26.320,0:03:31.040 The highest caste contains content from the net provider, segregated from the internet, 0:03:31.040,0:03:37.100 and would receive preferential treatment and unlimited access – naturally through an extrasubscription. 0:03:37.480,0:03:40.840 Between these, many other priority levels are possible. 0:03:41.080,0:03:46.940 For example, a caste for data from social networks that raises a traffic data toll for the social network provider. 0:03:47.460,0:03:51.600 This of course means that the receiver will have to pay for an extra subscription[br]as well. 0:03:52.840,0:03:59.100 In the same manner, an extra service to provide games for consoles or reading online newspapers could be implemented. 0:03:59.180,0:04:05.300 They would be separate from the internet, and both the distributor of the service and their customers can be charged for it. 0:04:05.900,0:04:08.660 Competitive offers would be restricted or blocked. 0:04:09.400,0:04:10.900 So how does this work? 0:04:11.240,0:04:14.440 Let us go back to imagining the data network as roads. 0:04:14.640,0:04:23.620 The router, which originally directed data to the right route, would be upgraded with toll stations that scan through the data and separate them by castes. 0:04:23.980,0:04:32.080 Depending on the caste, they could use a special road that was separated from the main road, in order to reach their destination faster. 0:04:32.080,0:04:38.460 If the toll was paid for data of a lower caste, they will have to use the slower, regular road. 0:04:38.460,0:04:43.640 If no payment for the data was made by the sender, it would be assigned to a lower caste 0:04:43.640,0:04:50.200 and would only be allowed to use the street if it is empty and not too many data packets have passed through the toll station. 0:04:50.300,0:04:58.320 Should they be part of programs, services, content or senders that are not liked by the telecommunication provider 0:04:58.320,0:05:03.300 they will be slowed down excessively, sorted through, and possibly even destroyed. 0:05:03.440,0:05:11.820 Moreover, if this was not clear: we customers do always pay, no matter if a service provider pays toll as sender or not. 0:05:11.900,0:05:18.040 Therefore, our data traffic might get limited and we have pay for more data traffic subscriptions. 0:05:18.300,0:05:20.240 So what does this mean? 0:05:20.640,0:05:24.960 Non-commercial services and community projects, like Wikipedia for example, 0:05:24.960,0:05:31.320 could not afford this caste toll and would have limited availability, or not be available at all. 0:05:31.860,0:05:39.140 Direct communication with friends and acquaintances could be filtered or blocked as a rival to established models of service and commerce. 0:05:39.460,0:05:49.420 Once such a control and filter infrastructure is introduced and established, filtering and discarding of unwelcome data like competitive offers or services can be done easily. 0:05:49.680,0:05:56.060 Filtering opinions, information or political viewpoints is just a small change in the system settings. 0:05:56.520,0:05:59.180 What if we let infringement of net neutrality happen? 0:05:59.260,0:06:03.280 Such a process is very difficult to reverse, if it's possible at all. 0:06:03.620,0:06:08.500 We would lose the richness of the internet, the variety of options through which we shape the net. 0:06:08.880,0:06:14.660 We would lose much content because providers cannot afford the toll of the telecommunication enterprise any more. 0:06:15.000,0:06:21.680 We would lose the free competition and by this the release of new services of smaller companies or community projects. 0:06:21.820,0:06:25.940 The free access to content and information that we currently enjoy would be gone. 0:06:26.300,0:06:30.120 There would be a two, three or four class model of the internet, 0:06:30.120,0:06:36.220 or even not just one internet but many, and different content would be available in different nets. 0:06:36.720,0:06:46.240 Think of it like a set of TV channels from a pay-tv provider, where in addition to basic programmes, there are premium programmes that are charged differently depending on the channel. 0:06:46.740,0:06:51.160 You could only access whatever the providers offer and expect to be profitable. 0:06:51.680,0:06:56.800 The network operators’ regime would severely limit today’s freedom of information on the internet. 0:06:56.800,0:06:59.200 And for this loss, we would have to pay more. 0:06:59.680,0:07:05.460 However, our providers say they would never do such a thing; it is just something like a rise in price! 0:07:05.840,0:07:13.380 But of course, the telecommunication providers have been proven to lie right to our faces regarding the legality of arguments to break net neutrality. 0:07:13.740,0:07:20.720 For example, the claim of non-available capacity, or that countries with laws for net neutrality would have a slower internet connection. 0:07:21.100,0:07:27.700 If they already lying at this point, why would they tell the truth by promising to build a faster net with the additional money 0:07:27.700,0:07:33.940 while claiming they will not sift through our data, even though they need it in order to make the caste system work? 0:07:34.400,0:07:39.540 How can they possibly keep the richness and the competition with such a system? 0:07:40.460,0:07:42.660 Therefore: Protest with us! 0:07:43.080,0:07:48.240 Request statutory regulations for net neutrality in your country and in the EU! 0:07:48.660,0:07:50.980 Demand equal treatment of data! 0:07:51.220,0:07:56.900 Reject preferential treatment of premium data in exchange for a worse treatment of your personal data! 0:07:57.400,0:08:00.900 Stand up against network locks and an artificial deceleration! 0:08:01.000,0:08:06.840 Fight for a free and open communication network, in which we together as community benefit from! 0:08:06.940,0:08:09.580 Demand non-manipulated data traffic! 0:08:09.580,0:08:14.060 Reject the discrimination or prioritizing of data, no matter what the reason! 0:08:14.060,0:08:18.320 Nobody has the right to be the snooping in our traffic. Nothing justifies it. 0:08:18.320,0:08:22.360 We are all entitled to net neutrality even in mobile networks! 0:08:22.360,0:08:24.560 Real net, now and in future!