Good morning. Welcome to the show. This is not good morning like Good Morning America, I'm not going to talk about news events, or I'm not going to talk about bad stuff that's happening in the world or who's going to win the next president-mayor-who's-whatchamacallit. Now, I know that it's the summer time right now and a lot of you guys are just having a grand old time. Some of you guys who have graduated from high school are just like "Ooh! Yay! Yippee!" Well, let me tell you something: If you don't got something lined up after high school, you might be screwed. Start thinking about what you're going to do with your life. Now, I know some people are just like, "Oh, I'm gonna go travel the world Or, you know, I'm just gonna, I don't know, start my own company, or something like that." But, I mean, at least have some sort of a plan. Even if you don't know what you're going to do with your life, what you want to do, what sort of profession you want to do. WHATEVER. If you graduated from college, then you might be, like, super-scared right now Especially if you don't have a job... A lot of people, you know, go to college and they end up like Van Wilder and they just stay in college for a long time and they're just like "Woo! Party on! Wayne!" All I'm saying is have some sort of plan, know what you're gonna do. Don't just be lolly-gagging! It's a scary world out there! Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you guys, or anything like that. I mean, life is great. Embrace it. Nature and stuff. Don't be scared. It's a journey. It's going to be fun. Just... you know. Have some sort of plan. See you guys! I'm going to go... eat breakfast.