Scene 6, Take 1A Ha! I've got one! I've encountered a problem... Where the f**k is this handle? Nevermind, let's try it anyway. "Slow down, slow down!" "Let's slow down and let him go." "Take 1B?" "Shall we do it again with the lights on?" You look like a d**k! "Jack! I'm freezing!" "Are you really cold?" "Holy c**p, I'm laying on the ground!" Scene 6, Take 3A No, not that way! Tommy was like... Are you filming her, aren't you?! What the hell do you mean whith 'shake a bit'?! I can't do it! Wait, wait, I'm ready! "F**k Tommy!" "What a drag!" When he says 'pretend you are worried' I imagine my a*e face! I have to stare between Maina's legs! I think that this film won't be WITH Luca Volpi, but IN MEMORY OF Luca Volpi! What a c**y idea! Filming in winter! You are crazy! Cut! Let's do it again! Scene 6... uh, do I need to lift it? Scene 6, Tak... Take... I can't say it! Wait! Boss! But you said that we were going to record it later! Yo knoowww... it'sss toolate. Scene 13, Take 1A The worst slating in history... Did you unpolish your nails? You're awful... Like in TV series. When an actor doesn't act anymore he's either dead or someone else takes his place. Scene 13, Take 11A No, do it again, it was impossible to understand. "The curios expression is ready. The problem is with the worried one" "Let me see the curious one!" At the first smirk I was already laughing! "It doesn't work" "That's a good start!" As i bend down... "This was the expression he was ready to make" "Imagine the other one..." "I'm dead, Tommy, look at me" "That's why I'm laughing louder!" ...perfect! What do you mean with 'look up'? Like this? Then I do like: s**t! "It was ok!" "Was it ok??!! I can do it again! Ok, I'll do it again." I can't help myself laughing! Is it ok? He looked like a fish! Where the hell is my acting teacher? "No! It was good!" "Was it?" "Yes, let's do it again" "The fact is that I thougt 'oh my God, no!'" We are going to fall... Don't be shy! Come on guys, everybody in! Say hello! "Did you like it?" "Yes!"