♪ (Tom) I consider Arnold, not Arnold- I consider him bodybuilding. Arnold is bodybuilding to me and to everyone else. Arnold is what open the door for us. Before, Arnold and Franco- Arnold and Franco were the first real pros of bodybuilding, before them there was no such thing as professional bodybuilding. Now there's maybe 20 or 25 professionals able to do it what all of us are doing here today, throughout the year. But without Arnold's initial influence and initial onset to the scene it would never be where it is today. (Interviewer) But if we accept the idea that the sport has progressed in the last five years. >> It certainly has. (Interviewer) Well, how would you rate Arnold's chances if he was in shape the same as he was before, in say competing tomorrow? >> He'd win. (Bill) I think that Arnold would have his hands full if he were to compete now unless he really became really serious about his training and did all it was necessary for him to do to get in tip top shape but if Arnold were able to come back and win this contest after a short interval it means the sport of bodybuilding has literally stood still for the past five years this in my opinion is not true. (Announcer) Okay the first contestant is Danny Padilla, Boyer Coe is the second contestant, Roy Duval is the third, the fourth contestant, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Roger Walker is number five, Roger Walker from Australia, Roy Callender number six Roy Callender (Arnold) originally I had intended on eight weeks ago to start training very hard with the objective in mind to get in the best possible shape for a film I'm going to do, which is Conan the Barbarian and we're going to shooting the first few scenes in October so I really wanted to be muscular because the idea was that Conan was a very muscular heroic looking guy, and I should be in top shape so all along with sword fighting lessons and dancing lessons and all of that, I did my bodybuilding. But the closer I came to this competition the more people started speculating in the idea that I would be competing. And uh the more I started thinking about the possibility. So on three weeks or two weeks ago I decided well, I think it would be kind of an interesting challenge really to do something in eight weeks that most of the guys do in preparing a year or two years in advance. When I train it really depends on what body part I'm training and what I think about, but it always has to be something that has involved with some form or another with self hypnosis you know I really psych myself up for it because otherwise it's impossible to squat with four or 500 pounds is really hard to do that and it can be boring so what you do is you create some sort of excitement you think about the next set for the particular muscle that you're training, you try to isolate the muscle you try to pump it up and let the blood go in this area and stuff like that. And you feedback that the muscle is responding and that means growth. >> Can you pull up right here? Okay thank you. >> Okay little higher? >> No lower. (Weights Clanging) In the films when there's a camera around you always do like this (weights clanging) to make the drama build up a little bit >> Yeah yeah, to show there's over a hundred pounds. >> It's a 10 pound plate but you must make it sound like it's 1000 pounds. >> So everybody thinks you are a... >> Macho (music) >> 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, >> (Counting in a foreign language) >> Concentration is one of the things that helps you in bodybuilding with anything, focusing and concentrating on one thing and not no matter if there's a bomb exploding around you, you do not lose concentration it's a wonderful thing to be equipped with, you know >> Striving after an ideal in a sense that you are molding your physique, right, you're developing your body, you're changing the contour, the shapes the muscle so it looks a certain way you wanted to look, a certain mental perception you perceive trying to gain that or trying to make yourself into that perception it's a lot of mental training involved in bodybuilding, I think also your cultivating a feeling inside you have a need a calling much like a priest, have this inert need to do something you must do it you'll not be happy unless it's fulfilled and that's where I'm at, that's why I'm here today. In fact I believe very much that bodybuilding is more mental than physical you're concerned first of all with this mental projection what you want to look like, which want to be like as far as the contour and shape of the body you're concerned with daily feelings of exercises and handles and muscles you're concerned with putting your mind in the muscle. (Announcer) Remember also that every man in this competition is already a world champion, to be able to compete in the Mr. Olympia the first requisite is that you must have won a Mr. Universe title or a World Championship. (Applause) Facing me please. Face me please. Chris this way please. (Tricep pose) Tricep pose please. Turn forward Turn forward (Arnold) I was worried from the time I stepped on the stage for the first round it's amazing how insecure you get after not being on stage for five years when I used to go out and it was my home on stage this time I went out I felt very uncomfortable you know being a showpiece out there you know being able to people look at you in a bathing suit. I'm the kind of character that doesn't like to expose himself okay and whatever you see on stage, that's you, and when you watch someone and the way he trains that's an extension of him and I felt this time I had exposed myself for an hour or two and be compared to all those different guys and that is what I didn't like it all. The important thing is that you always challenge yourself I'm a strong believer in the philosophy of staying hungry you don't always being hungry for more and being hungry for bigger and better things and whenever I have achieved the goal then immediately after that I ask myself what other challenge can I put up to try to achieve and that's what staying hungry basically means. I'm a strong believer in the Western philosophy of conquering, of achieving, of climbing, of getting higher and higher to the top it all of those things because that's in my opinion what life is all about living rich rather than just existing and just wasting away your life since we only have one now (Tom) I consider bodybuilding philosophical very much so I question my existence, why do I exist? Where my going? I always have this craving for more, I compare this to Jonathan Livingston Seagull. The Seagull wanted to do something different than normal everyday things than what he was supposed to do and they urged him to do he wanted to expand and wander and to do something unique and artistic and not only in the sense of expanding his artistic ability but in the sense of expanding his awareness. To me it's the same type of thing I associate with my body building, so naturally the dedication I have for the sport is very intense, I'll give anything, I'll give total commitment to do it, because I must do it the best or better that I can possibly can do it or my ability. That's what it's about tomorrow night on the stage all year long I've been doing this and now the final day is here to show what I've done. (Music) (Announcer) Three-time Mr. Olympia, Frank Zane! (Samir) Number one, I will win, I will come on strong, stay long, talk loud, and win the Olympia crowd, that's it. Say it, believe it, achieve it , simple as that. Schwarzenegger goes today. I beat the Zane I beat the Schwarzenegger Samir is coming on strong. >> Allright! Right on! >> The Lebanese man. >> The Lebanese lover (Laughing) >> How you doing Kenny? He's my manager. >> Good >> That's Kenny my manager he is responsible for signing the checks easy-going >> he has the pen. Pen is mightier than the muscle in this particular case. Right? >> A gold pen >> Remember the golden rule. He who has the gold makes the rules. >> That's right >> Zane and Arnold are in big trouble today. >> I know that >> Remember that >> Oh yeah I will. I will remember that >> This damn thing is so close there're so many great bodies in that arena >> I've never seen so many guys come in shape on one contest >> Yes that's right it's a dangerous situation I picked the right year didn't I? >> It's smooth today >> You take that off for me? Excellent >> A little bit too light maybe >> Nah you look great. You've never been that ripped >>I just saw something here tonight right in here that didn't exist on stage today > With that fucking lighting... >> Good, brutal, massive, brutal that's it >> He looks better than ever by far he looks better than ever. Ripped. How can you look more than better than ever? >> That's pretty hard to do I mean next year better than ever. >> Yeah, But this is next year. >>You've been reading some Philosophy too I see >> I've been doing that every night, philosophy. It's interesting it keeps my mind clear Fantastic >>Confused. I'm lost, (laughing) What do I do now? >> How long you think it will be until we get up there? >> About an hour >> An hour? >> Yes (Speaking a foreign language) >> I would relax if I were you >> Are we going to find out how much more time it is? >> We have exactly 20 minutes, okay? >> You going out there? >> Yeah >> You can actually create a vision of what the body will look like and then you mold your body closer and closer to that vision and actually you would turn that vision into reality. And it's wonderful really to see that happening, that you can actually see it in front of you which I see they call the third eye where you visualize what you want to be in reality and then you get closer and closer to that and that's known a thing and what they call it >> Perfect >> And also I think just the experience of being much stronger than everybody else I think that's an unbelievable experience you feel richer you feel that sooner or later you can do anything. (Music) >>Now whose are these, They're pretty, These yours? Yeah (Music) I had a good time I'm in the best shape of my life I feel great, you know what I mean?. When you know you put your total being every bit of inner person into your training up to this day you feel good no matter what feel good in that sense >> See you later >> Okay >> Do you want the neck? It's perfect everything is perfect. About the underside (flash sounds from cameras) (off camera) okay Danny Padilla (Arnold) Everybody likes to be wanted and needed and appreciated and loved and all those things some people only have it in a limited way, you know by just being loved by their family or by their children or by their brother or whatever their wife some people like more than that I'm one of them. (sounds of flashbulbs) To me it's always a great pleasure to perform in front of audiences it really turns me on and it's really an enjoyable thing when you see people enjoying what you do. (Announcer) Arnold Schwarzenegger (Applause) (Music) That was exactly like it used to be I got so turned on that brought back so many great memories. >> It's amazing when you're out of it for five years you have to like learn all over again every step and um is just a wonderful experience puts you right back where you belong which is definitely there in the sky >> You put it together Arnold you put it together in two months or two weeks with the last week really >> Two months altogether. >> All I wish I could do- I had a time machine and just wind it to the front like an hour and a half because then we know much more >> I could tell you right now we know I know there's one class of bodybuilder and then there is your class >> After this? Hungry, craving some food in general looking forward to tomorrow I'm worrying about today >>I want an Ice cream soda about that big and a pizza pie. And what you want? A bottle of wine? Cheese? >> A bottle of wine, bread and cheese please right now. >How'd if feel out there? >> It felt great, it was uh, I mean I uh, I have heard throughout the whole day today that it's a very close contest and um, you know, I want to make sure when it's that close the last minute, you put in it this that you have, and so that's what I did, I really had my friends phyche me up and told me that- be brutal and to get into it, just like in the old days, and so that's what I tried to do, to get really into it and pose, and feel the audience, and if the audience likes one pose, to stay longer at that pose, if the audience didn't like another pose to just get out of it as fast as possible you know those things, so it was like I came closer and closer to the old days, in this last routine, so I feel really good right now and there's one more round with the pose-off, the six best, which are the six best guys, and I think that's exactly when I hit my 10. (Announcer) Here are the seven finalist in numerical order number two Boyer Coe-USA, number four Arnold Schwarzenegger, (Applause) number five Roger Walker, number six Roy Callender Canada, number seven Mike Mentzer USA, number 11 Frank Zane-USA number 12 Chris Dickerson USA. These are the semifinalists. My good friend here, Frank Berwick will be giving the judges their final papers the judges please put number one against your number one choice. Thank You, Frank (Music) Two days of - eating. (inaudable) - you've got to train, and you asked if i'm the best? Yeah I'm the best I can be right now. (Arnold) Most people are too close to what they're doing that they can't see themselves anymore but I always step back and laugh at myself because it's really you can't take it seriously the whole thing you can't is just something that I believe we have to do certain things in order to keep us going, motivated, pick little goals go out and stuff like that. (Cheering and Applause) (Announcer) Chris Dickerson, Frank Zane, Mike Mentzer, Roy Callendar, Roger Walker, Arnold Schwarzenegger, or Boyer Coe (Arnold) You have to be able to step back out of yourself and look at what you're doing and laugh about it because it's all fun being the best built man in the world it's very funny. (Music) (Arnold) I believe in Jim Beam. It's one of the most remarkable products not only in the United States but all over the world. People sometimes use it to get high in a bar maybe after depression some bad business deals all away around. But we bodybuilders obviously use it as a high protein and amino acid supplement. >> How to use that Mr. Schwarzenegger? >> We usually put it in a sophisticated kind of >> Jigger? >> Yeah now it's very important you take the right measurement here because (sound of gulping) >> I have never drank in my life >> Wait a minute >> Oh my God the skin is coming apart it's amazing >> Anyway ladies and gentlemen do you want to get it pumped buy something from Jim. (Announcer) 4th Place., Mister Boyer Coe, (applause) 3rd Place, goes to Frank Zane, and 2nd Pl., Chris Dickerson, First prize Mr. Olympia 1980 Arnold Schwarzenegger (Cheering) (Tom) He has that ability to make you love and like him and make you want to vote for him Arnold has a quality of convincing you, gives you he gives you a good feeling when you watch Arnold you go, wow he's got it together, he feels good, he's in love with life. I wanted to be like that too. ♪ Thank you very much I'm extremely excited about winning the seventh time the Mr. Olympia competition and I have to be very honest that this was the highest level of competition I've ever faced in any competition in my life and I was not aware of that (Grunting) >> Do you ever feel like giving it all away? >> Pardon me? >> Giving it all away? >> Giving it all away? What you mean? >> Bodybuilding >> No, It's home, I can't, You always want to go back home, (inaudable) that's what I mean, you leave for a while, but you come back ♪