One of my hobbies, is Rubik's cubing. (Laughter) As childish as that may seem, I feel like this colorful little box is the best representation of the point that I'm going to be trying to make to you today. But, we'll comeback to that later so try to stick with me. First, I want to share with you guys some observations on the world around me from a 19 years old student's perspective. The way I see it, there's a big problem in the world nowadays, and that's that people overall are starting to become the same. I mean, it's if everyone is constantly thinking about what everyone else is doing or saying or thinking, that no one because of that can live for themselves anymore. I mean, just look around you with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Vine our lives have almost become devoted to this idea of fishing for likes and reposts. It's as if the masses have grown to cling to this idea that most of what we are comes from what other people think of us and expect us to be, and then if you take them away then nothing means anything. But when we lay down at night and look at ourselves, how can we be satisfied living our lives for those other people. We're missing the fact that confirmation and conformation are the exact same thing. That when we constantly seek the approval of others we're not acting as ourselves anymore, we're simply acting how that person would act in our situation. Now, we have to rethink this lifestyle, we have to find a way to become individuals again. We have to begin to embrace the little things that make each and everyone of us absolutely unique. I want everyone to do something with me for a second. I want you take a moment and look at yourself, find something about you, maybe something not a lot of people know, some small simple unique thing that no one does quite like you do. Maybe it's a hobby, maybe math come really easy to you, maybe it's your smile, just something that you believe defines you. And I really hope that by the end of today everyone has at least one thing in mind. Because that's where it all starts, that's how you start to find that identity, that individualism, and that unique thing will allow you to be happy as you, no matter what anyone else has to say. Now I begin with the same idea, and that's because I believe it is exactly these small things that truly speak the largest volume about who each person truly is. If you don't believe me of, use mine as an example. So, I want everyone to look at this box and, what do you see? For most people it's a toy, some will agree, "Yeah pretty tough puzzle," others will say, "I mean, what's the big deal? I can probably look up a tutorial how to solve it online. I'm sure it's not that difficult." You see when you look at it, it's insignificant, but when I see it I see very important lesson. So I will try to show you that today. So we've all learned from the very beginning that everything is a whole lot easier when we work together as a team. But those of us who set about finding that perfect team, that perfect friend group, our very first time, are going to fail, and I mean we should, you know for most of us life is not a fairy tale, no matter how dashing the prince may be. (Laughter) As for the rest of us, we just have to keep turning the wheels until as if by magic everything falls into place. Now most people, when they see this beautiful picture that they've painted for themselves, this perfect friend group, they're too blinded to do anything to try to ruin it. These are those who conform, the people who are so focused on keeping their picture pretty that they can't even step back and look at the entire 3D problem. So this is the challenge I have for you guys after today. Be yourself, don't be afraid to rock the boat, because things will come back together for you at the end, and when you take a step back you'll see the progress that you've truly made. Now, a lot of people do get this far and they see that perfect picture, that beautiful friend group, that team that they've always wanted, and the other aspects of their lives are starting to come along too. But they're not finished yet, there are still pieces missing. They've not truly found that identity because they've not found their unique qualities, their Rubik's Cube. In fact, it's the Rubik's Cube that show us that progress cannot be made without twisting the gears. Without taking the chance of ruining some of what we already have in order to progress further. But if you've the ability to persevere and find what's truly unique to you and start living for yourself not for those other people, then you'll actually realize that you were a part of a bigger picture all along. And things get easier as you go, you know once you stop to try to fit that mold and start living for yourself and find that confidence then, the changes that you make will have less and less of an impact on your team and on the other important aspects of your life as well. Until you find yourself so close to that self-actualization that you're not afraid anymore. You now have the ability to finish strong and then say to the world, "Here I am, this is me." So yeah, it's just a toy, it's my Rubik's Cube. What's yours? (Applause) Thank you. (Applause)