These are they who have bartered the Directorate for loss, forgiveness for punishment. How may remain undisturbed by the Fire? Holy Quran, Sura 2 Aleya175. A state of deep slumber prevents the bulk of our species deal, to consciousness and action, vital emergency which collectively put our home cosmic, planet Earth. If our fellow human beings are not even able to act on their own benefit less will do for, or their loved ones, or other beings. There are actually a majority group of earthlings and demons to the fate of their lives and its habitat not occupy a second. The moral point is key funeral menu to which we now add the broth atomic indigestible. So the work that we can perform takes higher priority and merit increases. In this vein signed our dialogue. Respond who crave good future in this finite life, and the eternal future that awaits. That refrain from worry and act of their ability, to meditate if you have not enrolled in the ranks of those that, as stated in the Quran, "have bartered the Directorate for loss" and to discern if not "changed forgiveness for punishment," since this is played destination. No one is free from contamination with flames fed and heated industries and illuminated our homes. The global village burns within us, in the midst of this fire, "how may remain undisturbed by the fire?". Whoever goes to the cam fire, it has to ask, what I can do besides ingesting drugs of God, to purify, to measure myself in the energy and media consumption I do? These inquirientes must guiárseles to the truth, for as Jesus, son of Mary, once said, "Only the truth will set you free." And the truth, to the misfortune of ignorant and reward the finder, has been hidden under the thick cream of the media communication of pay (Subcomandante Marcos "dixit"), yes, those media like parakeets Once trained give propaganda information, scheduling time mass education class, commercial induction instead of buying criteria. The same media that severity silenced 1985 earthquake in our country, Mexico, and not to panic remain at bay, but to keep us organized solidarity as a nation in the midst of this crisis, not to become the union in the revolutionary movement. Those feathers courtesans, these gorges on sale, do not dare to highlight the tragic feature of the incident induced Japan. Why?, Because then I would ask you also guide us in radioactive Odyssey, and to do so they would have to sing a few truths as we are discussing here and now, and this knowledge, as may be induced, would no customers for many companies, such as pharmaceutical companies, to give just one example. For these prostitutes the paycheck is more important than his short-tumors term. So of are lost. These people (if we can call them that) are the mass pastors. Where is that guide? "Those you call the Fire, while God calls you to the Garden and forgiveness "(Holy Quran, Surah 2 Aayat 221, fragment). The information kidnapped and whose use exclusively have assumed, is in principle saving. Among other things consists of data that we supply at the beginning of this written on one of the key drugs in cases of radioactive contamination and chemical warfare, in addition to knowledge about who has the ability to decontaminate air, land, and water of these substances and their deadly fumes. As we announced at first, the country that holds these wisdoms and is developing its technologies, is Iran and the scientist who chose God to administer this Revelation is Persian Mehran Tavakoli Keshe. Abounding now about this country and this man, if the Sovereign unquestionable gives us permission. A few months ago Yankee unmanned aircraft, invisible to daylight, undetectable to radar conventional programmed self-destruction and capture, entered Iranian airspace snooping, and to the surprise of the declining empire, the Persian army intercepted him, and took him to a hangar to reverse engineer and mass produce improved. The point to note is that expert opinion speculated enough about the way they practiced falconry with this unwary dove. A server hacked assumed that remote transradial ship, emulating the navigation system plus with unmatched skill. Research later showed that it actually occurred was even more incredible than we assumed all. A few years before the thief had the audacity to invade this nation impregnable a scientist decided to end the human equation that will surely gripped during endless psychological time the heart and intellect. This question was: what I bequeath country first unified theory that I have discovered, with the power that your application entail? When checking the moral height of the Iranian people, doubt cleared, and proceeded to share his wisdom with his countrymen, which he must have taken a great liking, it is not the same over the keys of the Kingdom abroad, to do with compatriots. Let us emphasize that their choice was not influenced by territorial belonging, but by the term ethical discernment. Persia developed at top speed, and the greatest secrecy, the technologies derived This image clear and comprehensive material laws (and metaphysical) of creation but gave priority to the defense of these new capabilities, and for obvious reasons: since the beginning of the Islamic Revolution has been attacked at all fronts by the powers, and was and still is necessary to fortify and shielding the achievements that endlessly get into the shelter of this heroic deed. Thus was obtained invent something that for many it remains an impossible dream: a flying saucer, gravity weapon, and a beam blanker electromagnetic spectra. With this triad, plus an unprecedented and still-secret radar was achieved caging and gut the Chick of the once proud beardless gringos. Although you may not believe it yet. For global misfortune, war of self-defense priority has been detrimental to other technological capabilities that these new sciences are able to germinate, as can not have it both ringing bells at a time, ie, it has been impossible while devoting their human capacity available to the field of defense, and ecology. This can be seen in the western need cleaning Iranian profound that it has become indispensable from chemical warfare, that the name of the Zionists and the empire, starred Saddam Hussein and his troop of wicked. The aftermath of this sacred defense we observe in the terrible teratogenic who have yet families pay Persians who dwell west of Iran, ie just where the Iraqi tyrant dropped chemical arsenals who generously gave him the genocidal powers. If war zionisto-imperial empire give a respite to the Iranian scientist, immediately scholars devote their quotas, and industrial plants, to manufacture the vacuum emanations gravitational and radioactive particles, rival of that which attracted to him to Jilguerillo unwary. And with this, the whole world would soon cleaned depth of evil debris that decades and decades of irresponsibility have mercilessly poured into it. To achieve this goal so high, it is necessary to break several fences. The first is the media. We must understand the official word from the government, business, and its spokesmen, as a monologue that was sold to the highest bidder evil and inhuman. And stop believing them and work because others disbelieve them. The Second Siege is the dogma encrusted in our minds, capable of maniatarnos up death. We check whether the assertions expressed both on poor to Fukushima, as good on Iran, are true, or not. For this we have an alternative means is to unseat once and forever means "to pay", those who sell us food poisons and medicines and certainty lies and ambiguity and truth: the Internet. The third is the neighbor's fence. We share with our achievements of all possible ways: an email forwarded to our contacts and those who go getting a letter with our people as recipients and other people that we know, we cloned disk and generously Receive free and strangers, permanent blog that few can invite a talk tireless illuminates and guides, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. Thus, in these three phases, we can actually save our house, and of all people, of imminent extinction. First we get the truth, then incorporate it into our existence, and immediately share it in any way and with anyone. Clearly, after checking the above, so far there is no higher priority issue than this. This is an invitation noble future, this is an automatic pass to hope. Let us go all. Ivan Anzúres Ardila, Mexico, August 1 º, 2013 - Ramadan 24, 1434.