It's really funny, we're starting to see so many more titles coming in that are "Creative Director" or "Director of Innovation", and I feel like our generation is going to, kind of, see past that and understand that every single employee needs to have creativity in everything that they do everyday, that's this element of our work that's been lost over the past 20 years, and I think it's going to get integrated back in. I don't know how to say this any other way, but I hope every company around the world gets rid of their H.R. departments because it ruins communication and, I'll start over and I'll try to think of an actual job, but maybe you guys can help me. What's a job that's like anti-H.R.? Is there a job that's like anti-H.R.? Ah, I don't know, like master chopper, like guillotine guy, like "and you're done, like, leave". I don't know of the anti-H.R. job. Probably the easiest answer would be the jack-of-all-trades guy. Every company sort of has someone in their company that they go to for matters that there is no title for, whether it's, "I have a communication issue," or, "I don't like the project I'm on right now." And I feel like that sort of jack-of-all-trades job has yet to really define itself, but it will, and when we know it, we'll see it. Click any of these fortune cookies to see your questions and follow-up questions explored. Click this cookie to return to the intro video and see what this series is all about, or click this cookie to suggest alternative questions, participants, or career paths for future videos.