0:00:17.523,0:00:21.139 Thank you. 0:00:21.139,0:00:24.623 Hello. My name is Birke Baehr[br]and I'm 11 years old. 0:00:24.636,0:00:28.511 I came here today to talk about[br]what's wrong with our food system. 0:00:28.511,0:00:31.552 First of all, I would like to say[br]that I'm really amazed 0:00:31.552,0:00:33.760 how easily kids are led to believe [br] 0:00:33.760,0:00:36.751 all the marketing and advertising[br]on TV, at public schools, 0:00:36.751,0:00:38.894 and pretty much everywhere else you look. 0:00:38.894,0:00:40.757 It seems to me like corporations 0:00:40.757,0:00:43.287 are always trying to get kids, like me, 0:00:43.287,0:00:45.091 to get their parents to buy stuff[br] 0:00:45.091,0:00:47.505 that really isn't really good[br]for us or the planet. 0:00:47.505,0:00:52.541 Little kids, especially, are attracted[br]by colorful packaging and plastic toys. 0:00:52.541,0:00:55.533 I must admit, I used to be one of them. 0:00:55.533,0:00:58.114 I also used to think that all of our food 0:00:58.114,0:00:59.754 came from these happy little farms 0:00:59.754,0:01:02.918 where pigs rolled in mud[br]and cows grazed on grass all day. 0:01:02.918,0:01:06.061 What I discovered was this is not true. 0:01:06.061,0:01:07.895 I began to look into the stuff[br] 0:01:07.895,0:01:10.749 on the Internet, in books,[br]and in documentary films 0:01:10.749,0:01:12.565 in my travels with my family. 0:01:12.565,0:01:16.643 I discovered the dark side[br]of the industrialized food system. 0:01:16.643,0:01:20.354 First, there's genetically engineered[br]seeds and organisms. 0:01:20.354,0:01:23.267 That is when a seed[br]is manipulated in a laboratory 0:01:23.267,0:01:25.452 to do something not intended by nature. 0:01:25.452,0:01:27.031 Like taking the DNA of a fish 0:01:27.031,0:01:29.461 and putting it into the DNA of a tomato. 0:01:29.461,0:01:31.729 Yuck! Don't get me wrong, 0:01:31.729,0:01:34.730 I like fish and tomatoes,[br]but this is just creepy. 0:01:34.730,0:01:36.034 (Laughter) 0:01:36.034,0:01:39.159 The seeds are then planted, then grown. 0:01:39.159,0:01:41.716 The food they produced[br]has been proven to cause cancer 0:01:41.716,0:01:43.353 and other problems in lab animals. 0:01:43.353,0:01:46.781 And people have been eating food[br]produced this way since the 1990's. 0:01:46.781,0:01:49.124 Most folks don't even know they exist. 0:01:49.124,0:01:51.955 Did you know that rats[br]fed genetically engineered corn 0:01:51.955,0:01:54.649 have developed signs of liver[br]and kidney toxicity? 0:01:54.649,0:01:58.460 These include kidney inflammations,[br]and lesions and increased kidney weight. 0:01:58.460,0:02:00.377 Yet almost all the corn we eat 0:02:00.377,0:02:02.774 has been altered genetically in some way. 0:02:02.774,0:02:05.443 And let me tell you,[br]corn is in everything. 0:02:05.443,0:02:06.956 And don't even get me started 0:02:06.956,0:02:09.789 on the confined animal feeding[br]operations called CAFO's. 0:02:09.789,0:02:11.763 (Laughter) 0:02:11.763,0:02:14.836 Conventional farmers[br]use chemical fertilizers 0:02:14.836,0:02:16.801 made from fossil fuels 0:02:16.801,0:02:19.218 that they mix with the dirt[br]to make plants grow. 0:02:19.218,0:02:22.695 They do this because they've stripped[br]the soil of all nutrients 0:02:22.695,0:02:25.994 from growing the same crop[br]over and over again. 0:02:25.994,0:02:29.738 Next more harmful chemicals[br]are sprayed on fruits and vegetables 0:02:29.738,0:02:33.540 like pesticides and herbicides[br]to kill weeds and bugs. 0:02:33.540,0:02:36.202 When it rains, these chemicals[br]seep into the ground 0:02:36.202,0:02:40.138 or run off into our waterways[br]poisoning our water too. 0:02:40.138,0:02:43.294 Then they irradiate our food[br]trying to make it last longer, 0:02:43.294,0:02:45.234 so it can travel thousands of miles 0:02:45.234,0:02:47.834 from where it's grown to the supermarkets. 0:02:47.834,0:02:49.565 So I ask myself, 0:02:49.565,0:02:52.438 "How can I change?[br]How can I change these things?" 0:02:52.438,0:02:54.432 This is what I found out. 0:02:54.432,0:02:57.593 I discovered that there's[br]a movement for a better way. 0:02:57.593,0:03:01.366 Now a while back, I wanted[br]to be an NFL football player. 0:03:01.366,0:03:04.621 I decided that I'd rather be[br]an organic farmer instead. 0:03:04.621,0:03:09.704 (Applause) (Cheers) 0:03:12.934,0:03:14.829 Thank you. 0:03:14.829,0:03:18.543 And that way I could have[br]a greater impact on the world. 0:03:18.543,0:03:20.803 I learned from this guy[br]named Joel Salatin. 0:03:20.803,0:03:22.634 They call him a lunatic farmer[br] 0:03:22.634,0:03:24.745 because he grows against the system. 0:03:24.745,0:03:27.957 Since I'm home schooled,[br]I want to go hear him speak one day. 0:03:27.957,0:03:30.618 This man, this lunatic farmer,[br] 0:03:30.618,0:03:32.849 doesn't use any pesticides, herbicides, 0:03:32.849,0:03:34.732 or genetically modified seeds. 0:03:34.732,0:03:37.897 And so for that he's called crazy[br]by the system. 0:03:37.897,0:03:41.062 I want you to know[br]that we can all make a difference. 0:03:41.062,0:03:42.599 By making different choices. 0:03:42.599,0:03:45.153 By buying our food[br]directly from local farmers 0:03:45.153,0:03:47.911 or neighbors we know in real life. 0:03:47.911,0:03:50.940 Some people say organic[br]or local food is more expensive. 0:03:50.940,0:03:52.229 But is it really? 0:03:52.229,0:03:55.178 With all these things I've been learning[br]about the food system 0:03:55.178,0:03:57.482 it seems to me that we can[br]either pay the farmer 0:03:57.482,0:03:59.636 or we can pay the hospital. 0:03:59.636,0:04:06.110 (Cheers) (Applause) 0:04:07.110,0:04:10.272 I know definitely[br]which one I would choose. 0:04:10.272,0:04:12.694 I want you to know[br]that there are farmers out there 0:04:12.694,0:04:15.198 like Bill Keener[br]in Sequatchie Cove Farm in Tennessee 0:04:15.198,0:04:16.666 whose cows do eat grass, 0:04:16.666,0:04:19.344 and whose pigs do roll in the mud[br]just like I thought. 0:04:19.344,0:04:21.392 Sometimes I go to Bill's farm[br]and volunteer, 0:04:21.392,0:04:25.025 so I can see up close and personal[br]where the meat I eat comes from. 0:04:25.025,0:04:28.719 I want you to know that I believe kids[br]will eat fresh vegetables and good food 0:04:28.719,0:04:31.714 if they knew more about it[br]and where it really comes from. 0:04:31.714,0:04:35.821 I want you to know that there are farmer's[br]markets in every community popping up. 0:04:35.821,0:04:38.126 I want you to know that me,[br]my brother and sister 0:04:38.126,0:04:40.509 actually like eating baked kale chips. 0:04:40.509,0:04:43.396 I try to share this everywhere I go. 0:04:43.396,0:04:45.473 Not too long ago my uncle said 0:04:45.473,0:04:47.990 he offered my six-year old cousin cereal. 0:04:47.990,0:04:50.505 He asked if he wanted organic toasted oats 0:04:50.505,0:04:52.520 or the sugar coated flakes. 0:04:52.520,0:04:55.815 You know the one with the big striped[br]cartoon character on the front? 0:04:55.815,0:04:57.523 My little cousin told his dad 0:04:57.523,0:05:00.291 that he would rather have[br]the organic toasted O's cereal, 0:05:00.291,0:05:03.220 because Birke said[br]he shouldn't eat sparkly cereal. 0:05:03.220,0:05:04.270 (Laugher)[br] 0:05:04.270,0:05:06.745 And that my friends[br]is how we can make a difference. 0:05:06.745,0:05:08.109 One kid at a time. 0:05:08.110,0:05:10.136 So next time you're at the grocery store,[br] 0:05:10.136,0:05:11.722 think local, choose organic, 0:05:11.722,0:05:13.529 know your farmer and know your food. 0:05:13.529,0:05:14.762 Thank you. 0:05:14.762,0:05:18.033 (Applause) (Cheers)