I always had the idea that I wanted to work for company maybe in the financial world. Maybe I was somehow biased and affected by movies like "Wall Street". So, I grew up in Italy and watching movies like "Wall Street" where movies that were picturing this image of successful people managing in a very successful business environment and it was something that was really intriguing, only to find out later on that the world is not exactly what you see in those movies. But I guess I had a clear idea that I was very attracted by a career in an international enviornment and an environment where corporate challenges were probably one of the things that would have interested me. So, I think it turned out that things were not so much different from what I projected when I was in grade school. Click any of these fortune cookies to see your questions and follow-up questions explored. Click this cookie to return to the intro video and see what this series is all about, or click this cookie to suggest alternative questions, participants, or career paths for future videos.