0:00:18.542,0:00:19.751 Thank you Mark. 0:00:22.790,0:00:24.236 Ladies and gentlemen, 0:00:24.237,0:00:28.012 you will probably wonder why I,[br]as a development economist, 0:00:28.013,0:00:31.817 am here today to talk[br]about treating trauma. 0:00:33.557,0:00:36.553 It's because I've come[br]to see that trauma is 0:00:36.554,0:00:43.658 not only a huge global problem[br]of truly epidemic proportions 0:00:43.659,0:00:49.308 but traumas also have a devastating impact 0:00:49.309,0:00:52.604 on human development,[br]economic development, 0:00:52.605,0:00:56.365 and even on the possibility of peace. 0:00:58.810,0:01:01.999 Given the importance of trauma worldwide, 0:01:02.000,0:01:08.423 it's actually rather surprising[br]to see the invisibility, 0:01:08.424,0:01:12.094 it's almost like the problem is hidden. 0:01:14.260,0:01:20.590 In fact, most traumas worldwide[br]remain unrecognized, 0:01:21.460,0:01:25.223 undiagnosed, and therefore untreated. 0:01:26.573,0:01:29.853 That's particularly true[br]for the developing countries. 0:01:30.735,0:01:33.114 I'm here today to make a plea, 0:01:33.115,0:01:36.959 to make available treatment services 0:01:36.960,0:01:42.087 to the hundreds of millions[br]of people worldwide who are in need, 0:01:43.117,0:01:45.836 and to do so not in small doses, 0:01:45.837,0:01:48.454 but rather as a quantum jump. 0:01:48.455,0:01:52.024 I believe that that is now possible[br]for the first time in history, 0:01:53.083,0:01:56.450 with a new treatment called EMDR, 0:01:56.451,0:02:01.682 for Eye Movement[br]Desensitization and Reprocessing. 0:02:04.032,0:02:05.572 Ladies and gentlemen, 0:02:05.573,0:02:10.058 I have this picture on my desk at home, 0:02:10.059,0:02:16.269 to remind me of the human face of trauma. 0:02:18.062,0:02:21.575 Look at this man's eyes,[br]look at the anguish, 0:02:21.580,0:02:24.562 the vulnerability, the hopelessness. 0:02:25.739,0:02:30.865 I first came to realize[br]the importance of trauma, 0:02:30.866,0:02:35.562 when I was UNICEF representative[br]in Bangladesh in the 1990s. 0:02:35.563,0:02:38.012 And I was pondering 0:02:38.013,0:02:42.163 the development challenges[br]of the country, 0:02:43.613,0:02:49.658 its grinding poverty, their regularly[br]recurring natural disasters; 0:02:50.671,0:02:54.931 they've just gone through[br]a punishing war of liberation. 0:02:55.958,0:02:58.908 I could not believe[br]that anyone in that country 0:02:59.878,0:03:03.844 had actually been able[br]to escape being traumatized 0:03:03.845,0:03:07.080 because the signs[br]and the sources of trauma 0:03:07.081,0:03:09.111 were everywhere to be seen. 0:03:13.554,0:03:19.314 So I was wondering what can we do[br]about a problem at such a large scale. 0:03:20.121,0:03:22.791 The answer came to me rather unexpectedly. 0:03:23.831,0:03:27.844 I was taking a brief sabbatical[br]in San Francisco, 0:03:27.845,0:03:30.414 I was in a book store, 0:03:30.415,0:03:34.335 and inexplicably, my hand reached out 0:03:34.336,0:03:38.097 to a book with the title EMDR. 0:03:38.098,0:03:42.551 I'd never heard of EMDR, I didn't know[br]why my hand was doing this. 0:03:42.552,0:03:45.831 Nonetheless, I sat down[br]on the floor, began to read, 0:03:45.832,0:03:49.265 and about an hour later when I reemerged, 0:03:49.266,0:03:55.015 I realized that I had just read 0:03:55.016,0:03:58.367 about a treatment facility, 0:03:58.368,0:04:03.610 a treatment modality,[br]that was rapidly scalable, 0:04:03.611,0:04:08.030 and that was very effective[br]in treating people 0:04:08.031,0:04:09.586 in a very short period of time. 0:04:09.587,0:04:12.781 So that was exactly the kind of treatment 0:04:12.782,0:04:15.715 that we could very well use in Bangladesh. 0:04:15.716,0:04:20.945 So I called the author,[br]Dr. Francine Shapiro 0:04:20.946,0:04:24.827 - who also is the developer of EMDR - 0:04:24.828,0:04:28.161 I asked for an appointment,[br]and the next day, I was in her home 0:04:28.162,0:04:32.474 negotiating a contract for EMDR trainers[br]to come to Bangladesh 0:04:32.475,0:04:36.971 and to begin to treat[br]the many people there. 0:04:36.972,0:04:39.601 The training would be given 0:04:39.602,0:04:46.452 to the 54 Bangladeshi psychologists[br]and psychiatrists in that country. 0:04:47.959,0:04:50.501 So that way I learned first hand 0:04:50.543,0:04:55.534 about the amazing,[br]almost magical effectiveness of EMDR. 0:04:59.744,0:05:04.743 Most of you probably have heard[br]or know someone, 0:05:04.744,0:05:07.326 who has been traumatized, 0:05:07.327,0:05:12.377 perhaps even suffer from PTSD,[br]post traumatic stress disorders. 0:05:13.407,0:05:15.207 In fact, statistically speaking, 0:05:15.208,0:05:19.218 there should be a good number[br]of you here in this audience 0:05:19.219,0:05:22.265 who actually have suffered PTSD yourself. 0:05:25.035,0:05:30.734 The PTSD symptoms include three sets:[br]the first is the hyper-arousal, 0:05:30.735,0:05:34.676 that means you can't sleep,[br]you can't concentrate very well. 0:05:34.677,0:05:39.147 There is also easily being angered,[br]or getting into a panic, 0:05:39.148,0:05:42.757 or even feeling[br]intense feelings of hatred. 0:05:43.947,0:05:47.412 Then there is the reliving[br]of the traumatic event, 0:05:47.413,0:05:50.369 and that comes in nightmares, 0:05:51.769,0:05:54.799 invasive, intrusive flashbacks. 0:05:55.702,0:05:58.862 And thirdly, there is[br]the avoidance and numbing, 0:05:58.863,0:06:04.972 you avoid any situation[br]that reminds you of the traumatic event. 0:06:04.973,0:06:07.163 You avoid certain relationships. 0:06:08.043,0:06:11.553 And there is also the growing 0:06:11.569,0:06:14.995 distrust of anyone around you, 0:06:14.996,0:06:17.955 your isolation, the hopelessness, 0:06:17.956,0:06:21.587 and that can go all the way[br]to outright depression. 0:06:22.827,0:06:24.963 So, from these symptoms, 0:06:24.964,0:06:31.613 you can see that PTSD is[br]a very severe and disabling illness 0:06:31.614,0:06:35.314 that has very serious consequences 0:06:35.315,0:06:39.395 for both the ability to learn, 0:06:40.665,0:06:42.475 the creativity of people, 0:06:43.485,0:06:47.290 the productivity,[br]and the general well being. 0:06:47.291,0:06:49.899 There is also new evidence to show 0:06:49.900,0:06:54.217 that if people have suffered[br]even a minor trauma 0:06:55.347,0:06:58.231 there are heightened chances there 0:06:58.232,0:07:02.511 that you would get ill[br]with substance abuse, 0:07:02.512,0:07:07.278 with cardiac conditions,[br]and even with cancer. 0:07:08.128,0:07:11.787 There's a saying that says[br]"Violence begets violence." 0:07:11.788,0:07:14.708 What we don't often realize is 0:07:14.709,0:07:20.876 that the trauma is the 'trait d'union'[br]between violence and violence. 0:07:20.887,0:07:24.507 Because, if somebody gets traumatized 0:07:24.508,0:07:28.298 as a result of violence, 0:07:28.299,0:07:31.478 then that person is at a heightened risk 0:07:31.479,0:07:37.002 of himself or herself[br]become a perpetrator of violence. 0:07:37.003,0:07:40.538 That's actually[br]quite a scary understanding. 0:07:42.348,0:07:45.027 If PTSD is left untreated, 0:07:45.028,0:07:48.840 then it will last a life time. 0:07:50.090,0:07:51.660 Ladies and gentlemen, 0:07:52.698,0:07:55.227 we don't have[br]a very good statistics worldwide, 0:07:55.228,0:07:57.713 about trauma and PTSD. 0:07:57.714,0:08:00.473 But if we look at the number of people 0:08:00.474,0:08:04.793 who are exposed to[br]traumatic circumstances and events, 0:08:04.794,0:08:07.802 we may be able to get[br]an order of magnitude. 0:08:07.803,0:08:10.794 For example, take a look[br]at these numbers here. 0:08:10.795,0:08:14.544 They're all taken[br]from authoritative sources. 0:08:14.545,0:08:18.155 1.5 billion people worldwide live 0:08:18.156,0:08:22.166 in situations of political[br]and criminal violence. 0:08:22.167,0:08:27.793 That includes the Syrias and the Congos,[br]and Somalias, and all the other countries. 0:08:27.818,0:08:30.547 Then 42 million people worldwide 0:08:30.548,0:08:34.783 are either refugees[br]or internally displaced people, 0:08:34.784,0:08:39.011 and displacement itself[br]is a big risk factor for trauma. 0:08:39.013,0:08:45.833 Some 200 million people have been exposed[br]to natural disasters in 2011 alone. 0:08:45.843,0:08:50.462 And so, this becoming an annual feature 0:08:50.463,0:08:54.141 with the global climate change 0:08:54.142,0:08:56.911 more and more people getting traumatized. 0:08:56.912,0:09:01.670 Then some 1.3 billion people[br]are living in absolute poverty. 0:09:02.960,0:09:06.351 I don't think that we can imagine[br][more] traumatizing circumstances 0:09:06.352,0:09:10.813 in which these people[br]live their day to day life. 0:09:10.814,0:09:12.612 And then get this, 0:09:12.613,0:09:17.050 one in every three women worldwide 0:09:17.051,0:09:21.700 actually suffer during their lifetime 0:09:21.701,0:09:26.340 from sexual, physical or emotional abuse. 0:09:26.341,0:09:30.287 These are staggering numbers[br]you will agree. 0:09:31.459,0:09:34.335 Most of these traumas[br]are called Big "T" traumas 0:09:34.367,0:09:39.458 because they are the results[br]of extreme events. 0:09:40.478,0:09:43.874 They are the results[br]of loud emergency, if you could say, 0:09:43.875,0:09:46.827 But there are also the small "t" traumas. 0:09:46.828,0:09:49.247 And they are well known to all of us, 0:09:49.248,0:09:55.066 they are caused by[br]everyday traumatizing events, 0:09:55.067,0:09:58.216 usually we call them normal events, 0:09:58.217,0:10:02.147 but they are accidents, they are bullying, 0:10:02.150,0:10:07.670 they are child abuse, divorce[br]and many other circumstances like that. 0:10:08.534,0:10:10.543 These are silent emergencies 0:10:10.544,0:10:16.393 but they affect literally millions[br]and millions of people at any given time. 0:10:16.394,0:10:20.894 If you add big "T" trauma[br]and small "t" trauma together, 0:10:20.895,0:10:25.334 you end up with a staggering[br]global burden of trauma. 0:10:25.335,0:10:27.029 Now, let me hasten to say 0:10:27.030,0:10:32.239 that not all traumatic experiences[br]also lead to PTSD. 0:10:32.240,0:10:37.873 Thankfully, humans are,[br]by and large, remarkably resilient 0:10:39.253,0:10:42.382 and usually, after traumatic experience 0:10:42.383,0:10:48.478 get better all by themselves[br]without any medical or psychological help. 0:10:49.248,0:10:50.428 If we took 0:10:52.698,0:10:56.867 the PTSD prevalence,[br]life time prevalence of the United States, 0:10:56.868,0:10:58.791 which is between 7 and 8%, 0:10:58.792,0:11:03.051 and we apply that number[br]to the world as a whole, 0:11:03.052,0:11:08.483 we would end up with[br]at least 500 million cases of PTSD. 0:11:09.283,0:11:14.588 That's like the total population[br]of the European Union. 0:11:14.589,0:11:19.856 And the question could be asked:[br]"Is this problem not too big to tackle?" 0:11:19.857,0:11:22.898 I think a mere 30 years ago, 0:11:22.899,0:11:24.996 I would have said,[br]yeah, this can't be done. 0:11:24.997,0:11:28.471 We didn't have the means, we didn't have[br]the technology at that time. 0:11:28.472,0:11:33.138 But today I think, with EMDR,[br]we actually have a good chance. 0:11:33.139,0:11:35.519 In a way, I believe that, you know, 0:11:35.520,0:11:38.961 this is not rocket science[br]to begin to deal with this problem, 0:11:38.962,0:11:41.771 even at that very large scale. 0:11:41.772,0:11:43.731 How does EMDR work? 0:11:43.732,0:11:48.136 EMDR resolves the emotional distress, 0:11:48.137,0:11:51.872 but the precise mechanism is probably 0:11:51.873,0:11:56.573 a good topic for the next TED talk. 0:11:57.753,0:12:00.735 Meanwhile, let me just say 0:12:00.736,0:12:05.595 that the psycho-neuro[br]physiological processes 0:12:05.596,0:12:10.604 that lead to the healing[br]are set in motion by bilateral stimulation 0:12:10.605,0:12:14.933 and that is usually[br]rapid eye movement, from left to right. 0:12:14.934,0:12:19.494 It seems as simple and magical as that. 0:12:19.495,0:12:24.778 As soon as that process has happened, 0:12:24.779,0:12:29.557 the trauma memory is healed 0:12:29.558,0:12:33.967 and all the symptoms of PTSD disappear. 0:12:34.737,0:12:37.735 And they disappear for good.[br]They won't come back. 0:12:37.736,0:12:40.946 And all of this can be done[br]in a matter of few sessions. 0:12:40.947,0:12:43.286 This is why the World Health Organization 0:12:43.287,0:12:47.485 recently gave official recognition to EMDR 0:12:47.486,0:12:52.316 as one-evidence based[br]and scientifically validated 0:12:53.476,0:12:56.364 treatment modality for trauma. 0:12:57.154,0:13:02.529 We now have the possibilities[br]of rapidly scaling up 0:13:02.530,0:13:06.195 with this new treatment called EMDR. 0:13:06.196,0:13:10.066 EMDR can treat[br]in a matter of hours and days, 0:13:10.067,0:13:13.067 as opposed to the conventional therapy 0:13:13.069,0:13:18.981 that took weeks, months,[br]and sometimes years of therapy. 0:13:18.982,0:13:24.539 It can also be administered to groups[br]of people not just individuals. 0:13:24.540,0:13:28.899 It is more easily accepted,[br]because unlike the conventional treatment, 0:13:28.899,0:13:30.880 you don't have[br]to talk about your trauma, 0:13:30.881,0:13:34.710 people who have been traumatized[br]don't want to talk about their trauma. 0:13:34.711,0:13:38.391 And then there's a possibility[br]of using paraprofessionals 0:13:40.581,0:13:46.837 to serve as, to provide services[br]of psychological first aid, 0:13:46.838,0:13:51.750 thereby relieving the psychologists[br]and psychiatrists 0:13:51.751,0:13:55.200 from the more mundane kind of work. 0:13:55.201,0:14:00.616 So based on my profession[br]as a development economist, 0:14:00.617,0:14:02.858 I'm convinced that it is now possible 0:14:02.859,0:14:08.709 to begin to scale up[br]these trauma services. 0:14:10.279,0:14:11.440 Ladies and gentlemen, 0:14:11.441,0:14:13.971 you will agree with me 0:14:16.041,0:14:20.882 that this woman[br]and all the millions of people 0:14:20.883,0:14:24.034 who have been traumatized like her, 0:14:24.035,0:14:26.863 at least deserve their peace of mind. 0:14:26.864,0:14:28.626 They deserve actually much more, 0:14:28.627,0:14:33.916 they deserve to get back[br]their laughter and their self confidence, 0:14:33.917,0:14:38.197 and be able to make[br]a contribution to society again, 0:14:38.198,0:14:41.107 and be part of their community. 0:14:41.108,0:14:45.419 What would the world look like 0:14:45.420,0:14:50.190 if we were able to[br]systematically heal all the traumas? 0:14:51.246,0:14:57.616 I believe that that world[br]would be a lot less violent 0:14:58.712,0:15:03.522 because we would finally begin[br]to interrupt the insidious, 0:15:03.523,0:15:10.233 interpersonal and inter-generational[br]transmission of violence and abuse. 0:15:10.992,0:15:14.820 So, that world, I believe, would be 0:15:14.821,0:15:19.586 a lot more peaceful,[br]and also a lot more prosperous. 0:15:20.732,0:15:24.892 I believe that that world is within reach. 0:15:26.802,0:15:28.350 I am convinced 0:15:28.351,0:15:32.711 that EMDR has the power and the potential 0:15:33.806,0:15:36.186 to help treat and heal 0:15:37.469,0:15:41.529 the humanity's wounded memories. 0:15:42.715,0:15:45.155 Do you think that that will happen? 0:15:47.450,0:15:48.403 Thank you. 0:15:48.404,0:15:49.600 (Applause)