As some of you guys know, I recently held a livestream Announcing the special surprise I've been teasing for a while We had a lot of fun and Had an awesome turnout We even built a weird banana peeling itself Zee: Look, look, look Brad, it looks like Sid from Ice Age Wait, what if we did that? (Ashley, Brad and Zee laugh) Ashley: It looks like a chicken Aside from all the shananagains, I also announced the return of the old fanserver Which you can now join at mc dot syszee dot me, the IP is also in the description. The server features 4 main worlds The "Spawn World, The Plotworld, The Sandbox and The Overworld" All of which hold there own special purpose. A majority of players will be seen having fun in the Plotworld: An awesome place to share your skills and learn new techniques. While some others may be in the Sandbox, planning out projects for the overworld. Which features a 6000x4000 blockwide custom terrain Anyways guys, join us today at MC dot SYSZEE dot ME. Thanks for watching! (laughs) OK... so like two hours later and he's still doing it just dancing in the same spot... (laughs) What?