[You can use these "Metadata: Geo" subtitles to add questions about the May 15 Global Translator Community Hangout, in sync with the video.More info in the comments to these subtitles] (Sébastien as program manager for localization:) More info about localization structure and its connection with Engineering? Maybe http://cs.stanford.edu/~jngiam/ could answer? (Eli as Product Manager for International Growth:) More info about International Growth, in particular in reference to the GTC's Translator Agreement https://d396qusza40orc.cloudfront.net/translations%2FCoursera%20Translator%20TOS.pdf ? (ove 25'000 people who joined:) Presently (July 25), the Coursera Transifex dashboard says: "12596 Persons contributing". What happened to the other ones? (May 15: 9 translated courses, >70% towards completion, 1 Mo words) Present stats? (D. Koller's speech is not captioned in English - any volunteers?) (Translation quality:) May 15 reply now needs a serious, detailed update. (language coordinators - S. Kuo's answer:) Heaps of languages still don't have one now - July 25. Criteria for naming them should be clarified. (LCs in charge of reviewing translations - what about reviewers?) (Language coordinators - E. Bildner: dropped until 37:08) (Tiny team - E. Bildner:) Still only E. Bildner and S. Kuo?) (E. Bildner: bring everyone in, let everyone "just kind of jump into things":) Contradiction with later instructions about courses recommended via LCs. What about languages without LCs? What about scripts and Transifex Access Denied - and chucking people out of Transifex in June? (E. Bildner: tutorate via partners in certain languages:) Differences between partnered and unpartnered languages, in particular re pushing unreviewed translations to courses? (Language coordinators - E. Bildner: should be sorted out over "next week or two"): Update about criteria? A majority of languages still don't have an LC. The LC page in the GTC's coursera platform is incomplete and unwieldy. (E. Bildner, again "jump in and translate":) Same question as at 36:37:40. (E. Bildner: team structure -> high-quality translations:) Why are unreviewed, even incomplete translations pushed to course platforms, even when a team does have reviewers? How are translators for languages that don't have reviewers added to the "Meet Our Translators" page? (E. Bildner: "Over the next week we'll be digging much more into currently unpartnered languages") What about those that still have neither a forum in the GTC Cousera platform, nor LCs on Transifex?) (E. Bildner on self-structuring in unpartnered languages:) Why not concretely acknowledge that (LCs, language forum)? Many unpartnered languages are now using external platforms (G+, FB groups...) (S. Kuo: more direct interaction with volunteers when everyone will be in): Why did this interaction markedly diminish, especially after ca June 1st? (S. Kuo: staff to facilitate levying and blending volunteers' skils and capacities within crowdsourcing:) so why the competitive recognition model leading to no collaboration within subtitle sets? (S. Kuo: community: more staff-volunteer interaction:) see note to 35:50:06.