0:00:07.626,0:00:09.127 (Guitar music) 0:00:38.515,0:00:42.471 (Singing) Don’t want[br]to preach to no one tonight 0:00:42.472,0:00:45.312 Just want to tell my tale 0:00:45.313,0:00:48.956 When the sun will rise tomorrow 0:00:48.957,0:00:52.324 It will shed a light[br]on some facts from hell 0:00:53.804,0:00:57.360 Clouds are floating in the sky 0:00:57.361,0:00:59.900 Shift the mood so fast 0:00:59.901,0:01:03.792 Like on the streets of Jerusalem 0:01:03.793,0:01:08.156 Where the quiet’s not meant to last 0:01:08.157,0:01:11.057 I'm gonna find you tonight 0:01:11.058,0:01:14.487 I'm gonna count from one to three 0:01:14.488,0:01:18.279 I'm gonna feel the peace within me 0:01:18.280,0:01:22.740 With you right here next to me 0:01:27.601,0:01:31.419 I was born into this reality 0:01:31.420,0:01:33.811 I was brought up with a war 0:01:33.812,0:01:37.688 It doesn’t mean I must accept this 0:01:37.689,0:01:40.891 Don’t wanna fight no more 0:01:42.001,0:01:44.504 Young people from all over 0:01:44.505,0:01:47.832 Stray away and cross the lines 0:01:47.833,0:01:51.516 It’s a dialogue that we’re seeking 0:01:51.517,0:01:54.805 And we’re running out of time 0:01:55.625,0:01:58.600 I'm gonna find you tonight 0:01:58.601,0:02:01.880 I'm gonna count from one to three 0:02:01.881,0:02:05.493 I'm gonna feel the peace within me 0:02:05.494,0:02:10.259 With you right here next to me 0:02:21.523,0:02:24.471 I'm gonna find you tonight 0:02:24.472,0:02:27.458 I'm gonna count from one to three 0:02:27.459,0:02:31.001 I'm gonna feel the peace within me 0:02:31.025,0:02:35.031 With you right here next to me 0:02:35.032,0:02:37.651 I'm gonna find you tonight 0:02:37.652,0:02:40.991 I'm gonna count from one to three 0:02:40.992,0:02:44.576 I'm gonna feel the peace within me 0:02:44.577,0:02:48.471 With you right here next to me 0:02:48.472,0:02:51.471 With you right here next to me 0:02:51.472,0:02:55.263 With you right here 0:02:57.243,0:03:00.455 Next to me 0:03:00.456,0:03:03.169 (Singing and music ends) 0:03:03.170,0:03:04.622 (Applause) 0:03:10.503,0:03:11.792 Thank you. 0:03:11.793,0:03:16.420 It's a real honor to be here,[br]be part of this wonderful day, 0:03:16.421,0:03:20.920 listening to so many inspiring[br]stories and discoveries. 0:03:22.880,0:03:27.463 My discovery is just[br]the power of music really, 0:03:27.464,0:03:31.040 and it has taken me 38 years of a career 0:03:31.041,0:03:35.820 to really understand it,[br]and to bring it forward, and to use it, 0:03:35.821,0:03:41.267 not just here in Jerusalem, in Israel,[br]in the Middle East but wherever I go. 0:03:41.268,0:03:42.772 I don't mean to fix the world, 0:03:42.773,0:03:45.648 and I don't think that I'm going[br]to change the world at all, 0:03:45.649,0:03:49.615 I'm going to change my world,[br]and this is what makes me happy. 0:03:50.125,0:03:52.920 I started my career 38 years ago. 0:03:53.490,0:03:58.777 I started just by playing love songs,[br]I still play love songs. 0:03:58.778,0:04:01.167 But it's those places[br]where I play those love songs 0:04:01.168,0:04:03.349 that make a difference for me. 0:04:03.350,0:04:07.607 And I think, and I hope, and I try[br]to make a difference on others 0:04:07.608,0:04:12.041 as I entertain and play[br]in some impossible situations: 0:04:12.042,0:04:16.447 could be by a bedside in a hospital,[br]could be in a war zone, 0:04:16.449,0:04:19.591 could be just in an accident area, 0:04:19.593,0:04:24.282 or just some bereaved people,[br]and parents, and friends. 0:04:24.962,0:04:29.716 But this story that I want[br]to tell you, briefly, 0:04:29.717,0:04:33.912 which belongs to an album actually, 0:04:33.913,0:04:39.004 and this song that I just sang,[br]"One to Three", is the first song 0:04:39.005,0:04:41.399 that I wrote for this album. 0:04:41.400,0:04:44.875 It's an album that is called[br]"East Jerusalem West Jerusalem". 0:04:44.876,0:04:48.679 It wasn't really the name[br]I thought this would be, 0:04:48.680,0:04:52.850 but it's how it happened[br]and how it worked out to be. 0:04:53.510,0:04:56.511 I'd been working all my life 0:04:56.512,0:05:00.831 - besides doing music and playing - 0:05:00.832,0:05:05.245 in manifestations, being socially active, 0:05:05.246,0:05:07.859 but I never talked about it,[br]I never really recorded it, 0:05:07.860,0:05:13.281 never really wanted to profess[br]about it, or brag about it. 0:05:13.671,0:05:16.523 But this is a time when I felt[br]that I could, and I had to. 0:05:16.524,0:05:19.012 I've been working here in East Jerusalem 0:05:19.013,0:05:22.471 for the past 16 years, since 1999. 0:05:22.472,0:05:24.991 I don't know if I should call it work. 0:05:24.992,0:05:28.043 Most of the time, me and my friends, 0:05:28.044,0:05:31.841 who are very prominent[br]Palestinian musicians and artists, 0:05:32.441,0:05:34.571 I don't think we play music[br]most of the time. 0:05:34.572,0:05:40.187 We have coffee, we have[br]a lot of kebab, a lot of salads, 0:05:40.188,0:05:44.436 a lot of downtime;[br]most of the time, we just hang out. 0:05:44.437,0:05:47.500 And I'm always ready[br]with my guitar to sit and play, 0:05:47.501,0:05:51.491 but there is also something that you learn[br]about building a relationship, 0:05:51.492,0:05:53.795 and that is building a relationship: 0:05:53.796,0:05:57.511 caring about those who you're with,[br]listening to them, laughing, 0:05:57.512,0:06:01.119 making stupid jokes[br]even on the most awkward situations 0:06:01.120,0:06:05.431 of which there are so many here[br]in the Middle East. 0:06:05.432,0:06:10.407 We've been through and had fathers[br]who had been through wars, 0:06:10.408,0:06:12.035 and we've always kept together. 0:06:12.036,0:06:16.680 I've always come up from Tel Aviv[br]- which is my home - 0:06:17.380,0:06:19.973 driving into East Jerusalem, 0:06:19.974,0:06:24.378 feeling the safest I could ever feel[br]amongst my friends and my peers. 0:06:25.168,0:06:28.699 Sixteen years of this friendship, 0:06:28.700,0:06:31.633 calmly and actually[br]in a very Middle Eastern fashion 0:06:31.634,0:06:35.544 which, I think, the motto of it,[br]somewhat of like the Spaniards, 0:06:35.545,0:06:40.709 who, I've learned to know over the years,[br]always use the "mañana" term, 0:06:40.727,0:06:44.041 as to "Don't rush, can do it tomorrow." 0:06:44.042,0:06:47.918 Well, here in the Middle East, we say,[br]in Arabic one says, "Shwy shwy." 0:06:47.938,0:06:50.287 Slowly, slowly, one step at a time. 0:06:50.288,0:06:53.401 See, as an Israeli,[br]I want to tick it all at once. 0:06:53.402,0:06:57.188 I have an idea, I want to have it,[br]haven't happened the next day. 0:06:57.708,0:06:59.383 But that is not the way things are. 0:06:59.384,0:07:02.079 It's not only about Palestine,[br]or Israel, or Middle East, 0:07:02.080,0:07:05.783 this would be the same about any[br]of the indigenous people around the world. 0:07:05.784,0:07:10.823 Ancient people have much longer[br]time to figure things out. 0:07:10.824,0:07:15.869 So about four years ago,[br]one of my friends, a Palestinian musician, 0:07:15.870,0:07:21.811 said to me, "So, David, when are you going[br]to bring that project of yours together 0:07:21.812,0:07:25.151 that you've talked about[br]so many times ever so often?" 0:07:25.152,0:07:26.511 I was just waiting for that. 0:07:26.512,0:07:31.944 Because I thought I was the one who had[br]the burning fire in me to get it happen. 0:07:33.498,0:07:35.277 Well, he didn't finish that sentence, 0:07:35.278,0:07:38.399 and already my head[br]was working in triple mode, 0:07:38.400,0:07:40.543 I was running in my head,[br]"How do I do it?" 0:07:40.544,0:07:41.849 So I started writing songs. 0:07:41.850,0:07:46.209 I told them, "Don't worry, I'll bring[br]the production here into the studio." 0:07:46.210,0:07:47.613 And I started writing songs, 0:07:47.614,0:07:51.515 the first of which is the one I opened[br]this conversation with, "One to Three". 0:07:51.516,0:07:53.273 I wrote more songs, 0:07:53.274,0:07:57.299 and all of them came out in English,[br]and all of them were telling the story. 0:07:57.300,0:08:00.470 To some degree, it's a personal[br]story mixed with love, 0:08:00.471,0:08:03.457 to some degree,[br]it's anxiety, anxiousness, 0:08:03.458,0:08:05.263 wanting to see the end to war, 0:08:05.264,0:08:08.408 I don't know how and why it so happened. 0:08:09.188,0:08:11.011 But then I had to recruit and bring 0:08:11.012,0:08:15.503 the musicians[br]and the production into place. 0:08:15.504,0:08:19.093 I thought, you know, that the music[br]would be the biggest obstacle. 0:08:19.094,0:08:21.625 All these years I've been out here 0:08:21.667,0:08:24.084 in East Jerusalem,[br]with my Palestinian friends, 0:08:24.086,0:08:28.895 it was just me from Tel Aviv,[br]sometime my kids, my wife, 0:08:28.896,0:08:30.283 but I was alone. 0:08:30.284,0:08:34.215 None of my musicians ever really[br]accepted an invitation. 0:08:34.216,0:08:36.215 They were rather reluctant to come 0:08:36.216,0:08:39.727 when they found out[br]they were busy doing other things. 0:08:39.729,0:08:43.629 But this time, as I was progressing[br]with this production, 0:08:44.300,0:08:46.460 I thought, OK, let's tackle[br]the first hurdle, 0:08:46.461,0:08:50.202 let's see if my Israeli band[br]would come from Tel Aviv for once 0:08:50.203,0:08:54.251 and see what I see, feel what I feel,[br]and experience this wonderful place, 0:08:54.252,0:08:57.876 and the comradery that can be built[br]and that can be a bridge, 0:08:57.876,0:09:02.929 and that can make us happier[br]and feel safer with each other. 0:09:02.930,0:09:06.660 So on a way to show in this crammed van, 0:09:06.661,0:09:11.236 as I was portraying to my friends[br]what music I was writing, 0:09:12.046,0:09:15.491 and that I was about to go to the studio[br]to produce the next album, 0:09:15.492,0:09:17.559 I could see that their ears were perked 0:09:17.560,0:09:20.289 and they were really[br]eager to be part of it, 0:09:20.290,0:09:25.444 but I was not inviting them yet,[br]I just got their interest, all focused. 0:09:26.124,0:09:28.479 A day later, on another trip to a show, 0:09:28.480,0:09:32.159 I told them, "I'm thinking of inviting[br]you, guys, to this production." 0:09:32.160,0:09:34.010 And everybody is, "Yes! So cool! 0:09:34.011,0:09:37.520 We can't wait to do an album[br]once again with you." 0:09:37.521,0:09:40.935 I said, "Yeah, but we're going to do it[br]in the studio in East Jerusalem, 0:09:40.936,0:09:43.047 It's a Palestinian studio." 0:09:43.048,0:09:46.551 And right away, the conversation[br]went elsewhere. 0:09:46.552,0:09:50.059 Suddenly, we were talking[br]about general news issues 0:09:50.060,0:09:54.703 and just nerve-wrecking stories[br]that were not of interest to me. 0:09:54.704,0:09:58.572 Anyhow, I realized that I'm going[br]to have to work a little longer. 0:09:58.573,0:10:00.090 The following day, I'm asking, 0:10:00.091,0:10:04.351 "OK, I'm thinking of really booking[br]the studio now. I'd like you to come." 0:10:04.352,0:10:05.558 They said, "Well... 0:10:05.559,0:10:07.427 Suddenly, and for the first time, 0:10:07.428,0:10:11.299 - see, we're a bunch of men[br]in this band of mine, 0:10:11.300,0:10:15.522 and, well, rock-and-rollers[br]are supposedly tough guys - 0:10:15.523,0:10:18.557 and suddenly, there is, "Well, OK... 0:10:18.558,0:10:19.887 - unanimously - 0:10:19.888,0:10:21.711 we're going to ask our wives." 0:10:21.712,0:10:23.167 (Laughter) 0:10:23.168,0:10:24.729 OK, tough guys. 0:10:24.730,0:10:26.513 (Laughter) 0:10:27.155,0:10:29.068 The next day, I wait. 0:10:30.038,0:10:34.716 I mean, we're in a crammed van,[br]no one can get away here. 0:10:36.018,0:10:39.655 And they say, "Well, the wives[br]are kind of reluctant, you know, 0:10:39.656,0:10:43.488 they don't want to be left alone[br]just with the kids..." 0:10:43.489,0:10:45.295 So I'm saying, "Wait a second. 0:10:45.296,0:10:48.296 First of all, I promise you[br]we're going to do it in 8 days." 0:10:48.297,0:10:51.949 Normally, an album can take weeks, months.[br]"We're going to do it in 8 days." 0:10:51.950,0:10:54.801 The only reason I said "8 days"[br]is that if I'd said "a week", 0:10:54.802,0:10:57.091 nobody would believe me[br]we could do it in a week. 0:10:57.092,0:10:59.841 "Eight days," that sounds[br]like a real, you know 0:10:59.842,0:11:01.345 (Laughter) 0:11:01.346,0:11:05.379 affordable and relaxed time[br]to make an album. 0:11:05.380,0:11:08.399 They said, "OK, well,[br]you know, we'll ask..." 0:11:08.400,0:11:11.543 I said, "No, no. Just tell your wives[br]that they're welcome to come. 0:11:11.544,0:11:15.255 There is a wonderful hotel nearby,[br]and I'll take rooms for everyone." 0:11:15.256,0:11:17.811 So the wives, the next day,[br]the message that I got was 0:11:17.812,0:11:21.425 there was nobody who could[br]take care of the kids. 0:11:21.426,0:11:25.553 I said, "What? In-laws? Parents? Cousins? 0:11:25.554,0:11:28.749 Bring them too! Just bring[br]the whole neighbourhood! 0:11:28.750,0:11:29.853 (Laughter) 0:11:29.854,0:11:31.725 Let's make it into a real event." 0:11:31.726,0:11:35.112 Anyway, sure enough, I got them to commit. 0:11:35.113,0:11:36.969 Now I had to get a producer. 0:11:36.970,0:11:40.395 If I'm going to get a producer,[br]it'd better be, maybe, an American one, 0:11:40.396,0:11:43.704 because it is all in English,[br]I want it to be Americana, 0:11:43.709,0:11:46.979 more American-flavored,[br]internationally-flavored. 0:11:46.979,0:11:48.979 So I started making lists, and I thought, 0:11:48.980,0:11:51.619 "OK, if I'm going to turn[br]to every producer I want, 0:11:51.620,0:11:52.765 most of them will say no 0:11:52.766,0:11:56.147 because they aren't comfortable[br]coming to Israel because of the boycott. 0:11:56.148,0:11:57.961 I'll go to the most extreme one first, 0:11:57.962,0:12:01.763 the one who I respect his views,[br]but I know he's a hard one to crack." 0:12:01.764,0:12:03.063 So I called Steve Earle. 0:12:03.064,0:12:07.667 He's one of the most respected[br]singers-songwriters and opinion makers, 0:12:07.668,0:12:09.209 and a real activist. 0:12:09.210,0:12:12.251 I called him first, I knew he would be[br]off the list immediately. 0:12:12.252,0:12:14.605 I didn't finish the sentence[br]that I want to bring 0:12:14.606,0:12:17.791 Israeli and Palestinian musicians[br]in the studio in East Jerusalem, 0:12:17.792,0:12:21.245 and he said, "Hey, man! I'm on.[br]When? Just tell me." 0:12:21.246,0:12:22.935 "Wait! I don't even have a budget." 0:12:22.936,0:12:24.803 "Forget the budget. I'm just coming." 0:12:24.804,0:12:26.425 So now I had him. 0:12:26.426,0:12:29.227 I announced to the Israeli musicians,[br]"OK, guys, we're on." 0:12:29.228,0:12:33.383 I set the date for January 20, 2013. 0:12:33.384,0:12:36.091 Now I had to convince[br]my Palestinian musicians. 0:12:36.092,0:12:38.281 This was a bit of a hurdle. 0:12:38.282,0:12:40.539 Some of them come under a lot of pressure. 0:12:40.540,0:12:44.493 So I figured even if they don't come,[br]I'll just be there with my musicians. 0:12:44.494,0:12:49.958 But what I will do is I will bring[br]Israeli and Palestinian chefs 0:12:49.959,0:12:55.571 who'd make us incredible banquets[br]every night with Michelin food, 0:12:55.572,0:12:59.429 superb Israeli wine, even whiskey 0:12:59.430,0:13:02.769 for those who really want to drink[br]and just get loosened up. 0:13:02.770,0:13:03.893 And you know what? 0:13:03.894,0:13:08.047 After the first night, when we had[br]over 100 people around the table, 0:13:08.048,0:13:11.791 - including the film crew[br]because I made a film out of it, 0:13:11.792,0:13:14.289 under the same name[br]"East Jerusalem West Jerusalem" - 0:13:14.290,0:13:17.327 we had all the musicians,[br]the engineers, and the waiters, 0:13:17.328,0:13:19.457 and then the friends,[br]and friends of friends, 0:13:19.458,0:13:21.867 and family, and wives, and children, 0:13:21.868,0:13:25.437 everybody was there,[br]I almost booked the entire hotel. 0:13:25.438,0:13:29.379 We spent eight days and eight nights,[br]and those Palestinian friends came, 0:13:29.380,0:13:35.767 and sure enough, after a couple[br]of glasses of wine and good food, 0:13:35.768,0:13:39.739 walked into the studio,[br]and we started playing together. 0:13:39.740,0:13:43.831 And eight days later, lo and behold, 0:13:43.832,0:13:47.951 I had my most beautiful album[br]recorded together with these people. 0:13:47.952,0:13:49.944 It was like a miraculous moment, 0:13:49.959,0:13:55.334 it was as if we had created[br]an utopic bubble in our world. 0:13:55.340,0:14:00.003 Now what we had to do is get on with it[br]and sing to the rest of the world 0:14:00.004,0:14:02.667 which is what I'm doing now[br]traveling around the world. 0:14:02.668,0:14:05.112 (Applause) 0:14:11.656,0:14:13.070 Thank you so much. 0:14:13.500,0:14:14.735 It's very inspiring, 0:14:14.736,0:14:18.305 and the most important thing[br]for me was to inspire others 0:14:18.306,0:14:23.241 to dare, to go over[br]that threshold, don't be afraid. 0:14:23.242,0:14:27.923 I don't know if you are a doctor,[br]an architect, a masseuse, 0:14:27.924,0:14:32.343 a poet, a philosopher; just engage! 0:14:32.344,0:14:33.683 Engage with out neighbours, 0:14:33.684,0:14:38.265 with our friends across the street,[br]across the wall, across any place, 0:14:38.266,0:14:43.236 whether you're in Israel, Palestine,[br]whether you're in Colombia, in Mexico, 0:14:43.250,0:14:49.119 whether you're in the Latin quarters[br]in some, so to speak, bad neighborhood, 0:14:49.120,0:14:50.287 don't be afraid! 0:14:50.288,0:14:51.905 Don't be afraid to cross over. 0:14:51.906,0:14:55.343 We're only people, and everybody[br]wants the same thing: 0:14:55.344,0:14:59.659 to feel safe by knowing each other,[br]or feeling each other out, 0:14:59.660,0:15:01.751 and knowing what to watch out for. 0:15:01.752,0:15:05.259 Don't believe the stories,[br]make them yourselves. 0:15:05.260,0:15:06.984 (Applause) 0:15:12.418,0:15:15.521 I started with the most recent[br]song that I've recorded. 0:15:15.522,0:15:20.163 I would like to, perhaps,[br]conclude this part of mine, 0:15:20.164,0:15:24.250 and perhaps, the entire event[br]- I believe I'm concluding the event - 0:15:25.070,0:15:27.585 with the first song I ever recorded. 0:15:27.586,0:15:31.864 This is the song I wrote[br]in 1977, 38 years ago. 0:15:31.876,0:15:34.990 It was November,[br]when the President Anwar Sadat of Egypt 0:15:34.991,0:15:37.699 set foot on Israeli soil[br]for the first time. 0:15:37.700,0:15:41.491 Watching this happen [was][br]the most unbelievable moment 0:15:41.492,0:15:47.082 for my generation and others,[br]my parents' generation, and grandparents'. 0:15:47.083,0:15:50.375 I was with my good friend,[br]Israeli poet Yehonatan Geffen, 0:15:50.412,0:15:51.998 watching this, 0:15:51.999,0:15:54.711 as he was writing down[br]feverishly this poem, 0:15:54.712,0:15:57.709 and then handed it to me, and said,[br]"Why don't you write music?" 0:15:57.710,0:16:00.819 As if saying, "Do something[br]with your life, you know." (Laughter) 0:16:00.820,0:16:03.051 "You're sitting and just watching." 0:16:03.052,0:16:06.411 So I wrote music to it,[br]he gave me two days. 0:16:06.412,0:16:09.342 And hence, I wrote this song[br]called "Things Will Be Better", 0:16:09.343,0:16:11.126 as we say, "Yihye Tov". 0:16:11.133,0:16:12.965 (Guitar music) 0:16:12.966,0:16:15.246 (Applause) 0:16:20.212,0:16:23.309 (Singing in Hebrew)[br]I'm looking out the window 0:16:23.310,0:16:26.310 And it makes me kind of sad 0:16:28.220,0:16:33.850 Spring has long gone,[br]who knows if it'll return 0:16:34.650,0:16:37.879 The clown has become a king 0:16:37.880,0:16:40.979 The prophet has become a clown 0:16:40.980,0:16:43.871 And I have forgotten the way 0:16:44.530,0:16:48.649 But I am still here 0:16:48.650,0:16:55.070 Things will be better,[br]things will be better 0:16:55.071,0:16:59.681 Though I sometimes break down 0:17:01.311,0:17:07.893 So tonight, oh, tonight 0:17:07.894,0:17:12.289 It's you I'm staying with 0:17:16.868,0:17:22.786 Children wear wings,[br]and they fly off to the army 0:17:23.496,0:17:25.791 And after a couple of years 0:17:25.792,0:17:29.370 They come back with no answer 0:17:29.371,0:17:35.387 People live in stress[br]looking for a reason to breath 0:17:35.967,0:17:38.590 And between hatred and murder 0:17:38.591,0:17:43.737 They talk about peace 0:17:43.738,0:17:49.471 Things will be better,[br]things will be better 0:17:49.472,0:17:53.947 Though I sometimes break down 0:17:55.557,0:18:01.017 So tonight, oh, tonight 0:18:01.997,0:18:06.717 It's you I'm staying with 0:18:10.267,0:18:13.706 Up there in the sky 0:18:13.707,0:18:17.206 Clouds are learning how to fly 0:18:17.207,0:18:19.860 And I look up 0:18:19.861,0:18:22.666 And see a hijacked plane 0:18:23.261,0:18:26.190 A government of generals 0:18:26.191,0:18:28.770 Divide away the land 0:18:28.771,0:18:32.568 Into yours and ours 0:18:32.569,0:18:36.679 And no one sees the end of it 0:18:39.563,0:18:42.579 There came the president of Egypt 0:18:42.580,0:18:45.962 How rejoiced I was to see him 0:18:45.963,0:18:52.072 Pyramids in his eyes,[br]smoke of peace out of his pipe 0:18:52.073,0:18:57.780 We said, 'Let's make up[br]and live as brothers' 0:18:57.781,0:19:00.910 So he said, 'Let's do that 0:19:00.911,0:19:05.270 Just get out of the territories' 0:19:05.271,0:19:11.288 Things will be better,[br]things will be better, yeah 0:19:11.655,0:19:16.055 Though I sometimes break down 0:19:17.749,0:19:23.479 So tonight, oh, tonight 0:19:24.126,0:19:28.656 It's you I'm staying with. 0:19:32.383,0:19:36.094 (English) As I said, this song[br]was written 38 years ago. 0:19:37.670,0:19:40.161 Or I've been stuck with it[br]for 38 years, got to say 0:19:40.162,0:19:41.709 (Laughter) 0:19:41.710,0:19:43.460 (Applause) 0:19:46.682,0:19:49.254 but as with folk songs, you know, 0:19:50.520,0:19:54.559 they tend to expand and change with times. 0:19:54.560,0:19:57.685 Every time the peace process moved 0:19:57.686,0:20:00.927 to a positive moment, 0:20:01.727,0:20:05.063 I knew I was going to get a new verse 0:20:05.064,0:20:08.844 from my friend Yehonatan Geffen[br]who was still prolific in writing. 0:20:09.904,0:20:11.269 So there is endless-- 0:20:11.270,0:20:15.001 I mean 38 years, you don't want me to sing[br]all the verses because we'd be here 0:20:15.002,0:20:16.359 (Laughter) 0:20:16.360,0:20:19.639 till sunset which is something[br]I'm used to (Laughter) 0:20:19.640,0:20:21.822 but not with one song. 0:20:22.980,0:20:28.195 So I'd like to conclude with one verse[br]that, I think, sums it all up. 0:20:29.745,0:20:31.522 And this one says 0:20:32.642,0:20:35.153 we should learn to live together 0:20:35.154,0:20:37.466 under the olive trees. 0:20:39.012,0:20:43.138 And that children will grow up[br]knowing no more war, 0:20:44.088,0:20:48.266 no terror, and no frontiers. 0:20:49.488,0:20:54.997 And that fresh, new grass will grow[br]over the graveyards for love and peace. 0:20:56.037,0:20:58.728 For after 100 years of war, 0:20:58.729,0:21:03.800 we haven't and will not lose hope. 0:21:05.244,0:21:10.266 (Singing in Hebrew) Some day[br]we'll learn how to live together 0:21:12.202,0:21:17.312 Under the olive trees 0:21:21.410,0:21:25.890 Children will live without fear 0:21:27.291,0:21:32.713 Without borders, without bomb shelters 0:21:36.167,0:21:42.497 On graves grass will grow 0:21:42.500,0:21:45.330 For peace 0:21:50.894,0:21:52.673 (Applause) 0:21:52.674,0:21:56.683 And love 0:21:56.684,0:22:01.353 A hundred years of war 0:22:02.302,0:22:08.752 And the hope still hasn't died 0:22:10.990,0:22:14.429 Things will be better 0:22:14.430,0:22:15.762 (English) You can join! 0:22:15.763,0:22:18.782 (Hebrew) Things will be better 0:22:18.783,0:22:23.243 Though sometimes I break down 0:22:25.049,0:22:30.879 So tonight, oh, tonight 0:22:31.571,0:22:37.440 It's you I'm staying with 0:22:37.441,0:22:43.247 And things will be better,[br]things will be better 0:22:43.963,0:22:48.593 Sometimes I break down 0:22:50.224,0:22:55.899 So tonight, oh, tonight 0:22:56.609,0:23:01.360 It's you I'm staying with 0:23:04.892,0:23:07.922 I'm looking out of the window 0:23:07.931,0:23:09.900 Maybe 0:23:11.625,0:23:14.168 Maybe it's coming 0:23:14.774,0:23:21.264 It's coming, maybe a new day is coming 0:23:27.266,0:23:28.890 (Applause) 0:23:31.740,0:23:33.100 (Cheering) 0:23:38.348,0:23:39.661 Things will get better! 0:23:39.662,0:23:42.582 (Applause) (Cheering)