#NAME? #NAME? I was excited that day at least as much as today. They were beautiful that day, but... Your eyes are even more beautiful now. #NAME? - I am outside, what's up? I'm told you didn't come to work all day. I got worried. I had some matters to take care of. Good then, I was afraid of you and Kerim getting at each other again. #NAME? #NAME? Nothing. I mean don't worry. - There's nothing I should be afraid of then. #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? Damned bastard! He is acting all brave because he knows we depend on him. My hands are tied God damn it, I can't punish him right now. We need to remain calm until the trial. How dare he do that to me! No way Reşat... I don't think this could be true. #NAME? #NAME? I don't believe that Meltem would do such a thing. Could she have gone there for another reason? Why do you always think about the worst and ugliest possibilities? #NAME? - Come on, please. Don't we all know Meltem? What are you talking about Hilmiye... Tell me, didn't we know our own kids? Nothing surprises me anymore. #NAME? #NAME? - Don't tell him anything about it. - Of course we can't say such a thing to him. Shall we change the music? - It's my turn now. #NAME? #NAME? - She's there. Thank you. Good evening, Fatmagül Ilgaz? Give me it. #NAME? #NAME? What is it? Abla, give it to me. I'll send you my best wishes. At exactly 10 p.m. All together, to many happy years. Mustafa. - God damn it, God damn it! #NAME? Hurray, hurray! Dad look! It's amazing! Kerim Abi, is this your present then? Hey stop! Stop! Fatmagül. Don't cry. My birthday has been ruined as well. Is this how it's gonna be? Will my happiness always be left unfinished? Don't let it demoralize you, Fatmagül. You've stood strongly on your feet till today. You should keep the same stance from now on as well. Better, happier days are awaiting you. No one can take them away from you. Very soon, girl. Your exam results will be announced soon as well. We will get your good news. You will succeed even more than that Fatmagül. My dear, don't let anything pull you down. Please. Let's go now. And then, the baby rabbit... ... in tears, apologized to his mom. #NAME? #NAME? Okay, good. Then, his mom said to him, "My son..." Lying is a very bad thing, she said. Children shouldn't lie. No matter what, they shouldn't lie, she said. They shouldn't lie, even if their mothers wants them to, she said. You are lying to me as well, now. I know what you said isn't written here. #NAME? - The Baby Rabbit's story is different, I know it. Oh, this is the other baby rabbit's story though. Which is much better if you ask me. I think it is very good. Children shouldn't lie. They should never lie. You don't lie to me either. Okay son? Okay then. Let us sleep now. I'm sleepy. Daddy, fireworks were so beautiful, aren't they? They were beautiful, son. Very beautiful. Close your eyes now. Sleep well. Kerim, come on. It's late. Good night. Kerim. Thank you. Thank you. You did a lot of preparation since the morning. It was tiring. But it was worth it. Everything was great. Yes. I worked hard for it. But you see. I didn't think about setting off fireworks. - Kerim, don't say this. #NAME? - I'll make him pay for this. #NAME? It's obvious why he did it. Don't do anything please. #NAME? - Don't you see how he provokes me. Should I pretend that nothing happened? A wrong step you take with anger, may affect the whole lawsuit badly. Please don't do something that would put our case on danger. #NAME? #NAME? Because, he is so lonely, so helpless. He is well aware that he lost everything. He is actually taking revenge of himself. He's trying to hurt himself. I could very well help him get hurt... He's showing off. Trying to impress you. He is nobody for me even if he pulls down the stars from the sky. You think he could impress me by showing off with the Yaşarans' money? He is a poor soul. You don't need to be jealous of him. I am not jealous, Fatmagül. I am afraid. Bastards as low and dirty as them... I am afraid of what they are can do. I'm afraid to loose you. Don't be. I love you so much. Good night. #NAME? - Huh? Okay, I'm coming. I am so excited Fatmagül. My heart is beating like a drum. Meryem Abla said the results aren't announced yet. I mean the page is down, she said. - Okay, I'll get it. #NAME? Alright... Fatmagül the page is open now. Fatmagül bring that number of yours. So we can check it. Give it to me, canım. It's so slow... New customers have arrived. I shall go greet them. #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? What's the matter? What's wrong? Fatmagül... #NAME? - What !? Yey, I passed it! I passed it. Abi, come here, I passed! Well done! Didn't I tell you? #NAME? #NAME? Thank you, Meryem Abla. If it wasn't for you, I-- What did I do? You did it alone. #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? - Let's give the news to Kerim as well. Sure, he was waiting for your call anyway. #NAME? - I'll get their teas. You go on, call him. Take this over. - What's up? #NAME? And? I failed. It happens Don't get your morale down. It's not like you had to pass it at the first time. Just don't give up. You can study harder and pass the next one. Next exam will be... of the next class's . What? Gotcha ! Why you..! You almost got me frozen here! - That wasn't nice of you Fatmagül. #NAME? - I can't believe I passed it! - I'm so happy to hear that, congratulations. #NAME? - Okay, talk to you later. I shouldn't hold you more. Laters. - Teas are on me! #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? - You scared my son! #NAME? Number three. Easy, I'll spill them. #NAME? #NAME? You call him then. Fatmagül..! I'm busy right now. My börek is in the oven. Thank you God. Your hala will finish the school next year. Be successful like her. But he will finish his school without any break, right? #NAME? #NAME? I'm so happy Fatmagül. I hope we can celebrate the day... ...you graduate from university, all together. İnşallah, inşallah. I mean, I'm not getting out of your lives after the lawsuit ends. I told Meryem Hanım as well. I see you as my family. I hope our faces will smile after the trial as well. We're just leaving the house. No, we'll get there in time. Don't worry. Okay, will do, my dear. Your enişte is saying hello to you. He's already there, waiting at the airport. #NAME? #NAME? Thank you. Bye bye. Don't pout. You are going away from hell. #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? You're welcome. Have a nice day. You too. Doing as I'm told. What else could I do? As you said, we delayed the abortion. We'll do it tomorrow. As if I don't have enough to deal with... But I am telling you, Münir. When this is done... ... I'll be done with this woman no matter how much money you offer me. Okay, okay. I got it. When is your trial? Okay, call me when it's over though. You too. Who are you? Who are you, God damned man!? - Stop yelling at midnight! - That bastard bought you as well, didn't he? God damn it! You are Münir's man. God damn you! #NAME? - Don't play dumb! You did it just to keep me away from that trial. - Gather yourself ! - I wrecked my home for you! #NAME? - Stop it, you will wake everyone up! Get your hands off me! You sold out jerk! Damn you! - Shut up or I will -- - Go on, hit me! #NAME? - What?! God damn you. You killed me to save the lives of three rapists ! Wait, wait... What? Who the hell am I saving? Explain it to me. Hay Allah, ya... Those bastards tricked me. Motherf***ers! Are you any different than them? How could you do this to me? I swear on anything you want me to. I didn't know about it. I asked him many times. He said it was a land lawsuit. He didn't tell me the truth. That pimp! I would spit on his face if I knew the truth. And would this take away the guilt from you? Whether you knew the truth or not... ... makes you less guilty? But the stupidity is on me. I let you trick me again, although I knew what you were. Despite what you put me through I fell for you again. I apologize so much. You shot me down really bad this time. I don't remember feeling more humiliated in my life. I wrecked my family for nothing, absolutely nothing. I don't have the face to say anything. But what happened has happened. I did it again. Forgive me. Forgive me and go. As if you left me anywhere to go. Who would accept me now? Who would forgive me? If you spoil those men's game... Maybe, your husband will get soften. Go girl... I'll buy your plane ticket. I'll put some money in your pocket as well. Go and testify. Be their doom ! Offf, days and weeks have passed here. But these minutes feel even longer. I'll loose my mind. #NAME? #NAME? We'll end up here again if you keep attitude. Stop it! - What's wrong, man? - Don't touch me! #NAME? - I don't want him to. Fuck off then. - I'm not dying to touch your face. #NAME? - If it wasn't for the orders I was given... #NAME? Sit down. Don't piss him off. - Sit down! #NAME? I feel dizzy. Must be because of high blood pressure. #NAME? #NAME? I told you not to come here and go directly to the courthouse. I will be the only one to see them anyway. You shouldn't have come here. Can't we see them as they're being taken out? - Maybe you will. But you can't talk to them. - That'll be enough for me. What about the girl? She's here under control. She departed from Istanbul early. #NAME? - Be sure, and then talk to me. Okay, okay, okay. #NAME? #NAME? I'm here. I've arrived. Okay, good. #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? He's on his way. He should be here shortly. I'm going inside now. Kadir Bey wants to talk to you. Fatmagül, my child. Look, this is a very difficult day for you. You have been waiting and preparing yourself for months, for this day. It was very important, and also difficult for you to even come here. And you managed it. We will manage to get them punished as well. Together we will. You will feel very tense during the trial. This won't be a surprise. You will be hurt and affected negatively by what's going to be talked about in there. Shortly it will shake you up badly. You may feel prepared for anything now. But during the trial, unexpected things can happen. It is okay, if you don't want to come. Trust me and believe me that I will do my best to represent you there. Don't come to the trial if you ask me. But the decision is yours. My child, it will be better for you. - So that you won't have to see them again. #NAME? I'm not scare of seeing them. I will come and look into their eyes. Deep into their eyes... It's time. Let's go. #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? Don't be scared. He can't harm you as I'm here. I am in İzmir. I came here for some business. Sent by the company to control a shipment. How are you? How is dad? I may visit you once my work is done. I won't come there if you don't want me, mom. Okay, okay. I'm busy. Let us not talk about it right now. I'll call you later. Okay, see you later. Which flight did you say? Don't you have a sooner flight? Okay, book that ticket for me please. For 10 minutes, please. I'm on my way to the airport. Help me out. Please. I'm on my way to the airport. Yes, yes. I'm trying to catch that flight. Okay, okay thanks. #NAME? - It's okay. I'm fine. - Come, Kerim. We're gonna be late. #NAME? Are you really okay? You look very pale, my child. Come, take my arm. #NAME? #NAME? I will make you pay for everything you did. #NAME? - He can't stare at us from there. - Abi, it's okay. Not here. #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? - We're come, we're coming. It's your turn Fatmagül, okay? Don't let them scare you. Be brave, stand straight. You will be victorious. We will be. My knees are shaking. My whole body feels stiff. I've waited for this day for months. I've waited patiently. It's time for revenge. It's time to stand against those who tried to take my life away. Why are you looking at me with hatred? Why? Because I didn't yield to you? Because I didn't loose against you and I didn't accept the life you forced upon me? You expect me to hang my head in shame as I walk before you. I'm not the one who should be ashamed and you know that well. Hence the hate in your eyes. You wanted to clean your dirty consciences by staining me. Even giving up your honors for it. "We won't hurt you. Just tell us whether you are her, or not." "We'll find out now. Vural, pass the bottle here." "Pour it on her." "I recognize this body. It's definitely her." You casted upon me the vilest violence and the heaviest injustice. You soiled my life with your own filth. You brutally pillaged the life of someone you didn't even know. Now look into my eyes and say your lies.