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Hello Volunteers,

Thank you for your continued interest in making credible content available to those who speak your native language.

We so appreciate the role you play in broadening the reach of amazing content that enhances and enriches people’s lives. We look forward to your continued efforts in volunteer subtitling, and are thrilled to share an exciting new initiative from the Participatory Culture Foundation: Amplifying Voices of Change.

The Amara Team


Amplifying Voices of Change uses Amara’s latest and most up-to-date technology, which includes:

  • Audio waveforms – in the editor
  • Filter assignments – by language
  • Simplified workflows and UI – with "limited contributor" role, which ensures only experienced volunteers can review subtitles
  • Volunteer profiles – to document and/or publicize completed work
  • And much more – we’d love to hear what you think!