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Could we speak the language of dolphins?

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    Well, now we're going to the Bahamas to meet
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    a remarkable group of dolphins that I've been working with
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    in the wild for the last 28 years.
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    Now I'm interested in dolphins because of their large brains
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    and what they might be doing with all that brainpower
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    in the wild.
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    And we know they use some of that brainpower
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    for just living complicated lives,
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    but what do we really know about dolphin intelligence?
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    Well, we know a few things.
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    We know that their brain-to-body ratio,
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    which is a physical measure of intelligence,
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    is second only to humans.
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    Cognitively, they can understand
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    artificially-created languages.
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    And they pass self-awareness tests in mirrors.
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    And in some parts of the world, they use tools,
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    like sponges to hunt fish.
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    But there's one big question left:
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    do they have a language, and if so,
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    what are they talking about?
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    So decades ago, not years ago,
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    I set out to find a place in the world
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    where I could observe dolphins underwater
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    to try to crack the code of their communication system.
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    Now in most parts of the world, the water's pretty murky,
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    so it's very hard to observe animals underwater,
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    but I found a community of dolphins that live
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    in these beautiful, clear, shallow sandbanks of the Bahamas
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    which are just east of Florida.
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    And they spend their daytime resting and socializing
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    in the safety of the shallows, but at night,
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    they go off the edge and hunt in deep water.
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    Now, it's not a bad place to be a researcher, either.
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    So we go out for about five months every summer
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    in a 20-meter catamaran, and we live, sleep and work
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    at sea for weeks at a time.
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    My main tool is an underwater video with a hydrophone,
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    which is an underwater microphone, and this is so
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    I can correlate sound and behavior.
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    And most of our work's pretty non-invasive.
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    We try to follow dolphin etiquette while we're in the water,
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    since we're actually observing them physically in the water.
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    Now, Atlantic spotted dolphins are a really nice species
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    to work with for a couple of reasons.
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    They're born without spots, and they get spots with age,
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    and they go through pretty distinct developmental phases,
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    so that's fun to track their behavior.
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    And by about the age of 15, they're fully spotted black and white.
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    Now the mother you see here is Mugsy.
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    She's 35 years old in this shot,
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    but dolphins can actually live into their early 50s.
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    And like all the dolphins in our community,
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    we photographed Mugsy and tracked her little spots
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    and nicks in her dorsal fin,
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    and also the unique spot patterns
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    as she matured over time.
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    Now, young dolphins learn a lot as they're growing up,
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    and they use their teenage years to practice social skills,
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    and at about the age of nine, the females
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    become sexually mature, so they can get pregnant,
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    and the males mature quite a bit later,
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    at around 15 years of age.
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    And dolphins are very promiscuous,
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    and so we have to determine who the fathers are,
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    so we do paternity tests by collecting fecal material
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    out of the water and extracting DNA.
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    So what that means is, after 28 years,
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    we are tracking three generations,
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    including grandmothers and grandfathers.
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    Now, dolphins are natural acousticians.
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    They make sounds 10 times as high
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    and hear sounds 10 times as high as we do.
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    But they have other communication signals they use.
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    They have good vision, so they use body postures to communicate.
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    They have taste, not smell.
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    And they have touch.
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    And sound can actually be felt in the water,
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    because the acoustic impedance of tissue and water's about the same.
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    So dolphins can buzz and tickle each other at a distance.
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    Now, we do know some things about how sounds are used
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    with certain behaviors.
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    Now, the signature whistle is a whistle
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    that's specific to an individual dolphin, and it's like a name. (Dolphin whistling noises)
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    And this is the best-studied sound,
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    because it's easy to measure, really,
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    and you'd find this whistle when mothers and calves
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    are reuniting, for example.
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    Another well studied sound are echolocation clicks.
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    This is the dolphin's sonar. (Dolphin echolocation noises)
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    And they use these clicks to hunt and feed.
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    But they can also tightly pack these clicks together
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    into buzzes and use them socially.
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    For example, males will stimulate a female
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    during a courtship chase.
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    You know, I've been buzzed in the water.
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    Don't tell anyone. It's a secret.
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    And you can really feel the sound. That was my point with that.
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  • 4:12 - 4:15
    So dolphins are also political animals,
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    so they have to resolve conflicts.
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    (Dolphin noises)
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    And they use these burst-pulsed sounds as well as
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    their head-to-head behaviors when they're fighting.
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    And these are very unstudied sounds
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    because they're hard to measure.
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    Now this is some video of a typical dolphin fight.
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    (Dolphin noises)
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    So you're going to see two groups,
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    and you're going to see the head-to-head posturing,
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    some open mouths,
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    lots of squawking.
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    There's a bubble.
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    And basically, one of these groups will kind of back off
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    and everything will resolve fine,
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    and it doesn't really escalate into violence too much.
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    Now, in the Bahamas, we also have resident bottlenose
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    that interact socially with the spotted dolphins.
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    For example, they babysit each other's calves.
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    The males have dominance displays that they use
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    when they're chasing each other's females.
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    And the two species actually form temporary alliances
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    when they're chasing sharks away.
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    And one of the mechanisms they use to communicate
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    their coordination is synchrony.
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    They synchronize their sounds and their body postures
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    to look bigger and sound stronger.
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    (Dolphins noises)
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    Now, these are bottlenose dolphins,
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    and you'll see them starting to synchronize
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    their behavior and their sounds.
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    (Dolphin noises)
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    You see, they're synchronizing with their partner
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    as well as the other dyad.
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    I wish I was that coordinated.
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    Now, it's important to remember that you're only hearing
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    the human-audible parts of dolphin sounds,
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    and dolphins make ultrasonic sounds,
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    and we use special equipment in the water
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    to collect these sounds.
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    Now, researchers have actually measured whistle complexity
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    using information theory,
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    and whistles rate very high relative to even human languages.
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    But burst-pulsed sounds is a bit of a mystery.
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    Now, these are three spectragrams.
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    Two are human words, and one is a dolphin vocalizing.
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    So just take a guess in your mind which one is the dolphin.
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    Now, it turns out burst-pulsed sounds actually look
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    a bit like human phonemes.
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    Now, one way to crack the code
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    is to interpret these signals and figure out what they mean,
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    but it's a difficult job, and we actually don't have a Rosetta Stone yet.
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    But a second way to crack the code
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    is to develop some technology,
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    an interface to do two-way communication,
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    and that's what we've been trying to do in the Bahamas
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    and in real time.
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    Now, scientists have used keyboard interfaces
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    to try to bridge the gap with species
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    including chimpanzees and dolphins.
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    This underwater keyboard in Orlando, Florida,
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    at the Epcot Center, was actually
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    the most sophisticated ever two-way interface designed
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    for humans and dolphins to work together under the water
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    and exchange information.
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    So we wanted to develop an interface like this
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    in the Bahamas, but in a more natural setting.
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    And one of the reasons we thought we could do this
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    is because the dolphins were starting to show us
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    a lot of mutual curiosity.
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    They were spontaneously mimicking our vocalizations
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    and our postures, and they were also inviting us
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    into dolphin games.
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    Now, dolphins are social mammals, so they love to play,
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    and one of their favorite games is to drag seaweed,
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    or sargassum in this case, around.
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    And they're very adept. They like to drag it
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    and drop it from appendage to appendage.
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    Now in this footage, the adult is Caroh.
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    She's 25 years old here, and this is her newborn, Cobalt,
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    and he's just learning how to play this game.
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    (Dolphin noises)
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    She's kind of teasing him and taunting him.
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    He really wants that sargassum.
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    Now, when dolphins solicit humans for this game,
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    they'll often sink vertically in the water,
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    and they'll have a little sargassum on their flipper,
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    and they'll sort of nudge it and drop it sometimes
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    on the bottom and let us go get it,
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    and then we'll have a little seaweed keep away game.
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    But when we don't dive down and get it,
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    they'll bring it to the surface
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    and they'll sort of wave it in front of us on their tail
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    and drop it for us like they do their calves,
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    and then we'll pick it up and have a game.
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    And so we started thinking, well, wouldn't it be neat
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    to build some technology that would allow the dolphins
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    to request these things in real time, their favorite toys?
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    So the original vision was to have a keyboard
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    hanging from the boat attached to a computer,
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    and the divers and dolphins would activate the keys
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    on the keypad and happily exchange information
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    and request toys from each other.
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    But we quickly found out that dolphins simply
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    were not going to hang around the boat using a keyboard.
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    They've got better things to do in the wild.
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    They might do it in captivity, but in the wild --
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    So we built a portable keyboard that we could push through the water,
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    and we labeled four objects they like to play with,
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    the scarf, rope, sargassum, and also had a bow ride,
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    which is a fun activity for a dolphin. (Whistle)
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    And that's the scarf whistle,
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    which is also associated with a visual symbol.
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    And these are artificially created whistles.
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    They're outside the dolphin's normal repertoire,
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    but they're easily mimicked by the dolphins.
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    And I spent four years with my colleagues Adam Pack and Fabienne Delfour,
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    working out in the field with this keyboard
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    using it with each other to do requests for toys
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    while the dolphins were watching.
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    And the dolphins could get in on the game.
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    They could point at the visual object,
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    or they could mimic the whistle.
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    Now this is video of a session.
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    The diver here has a rope toy,
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    and I'm on the keyboard on the left,
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    and I've just played the rope key,
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    and that's the request for the toy from the human.
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    So I've got the rope, I'm diving down,
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    and I'm basically trying to get the dolphin's attention,
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    because they're kind of like little kids.
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    You have to keep their attention.
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    I'm going to drop the rope, see if they come over.
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    Here they come,
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    and then they're going to pick up the rope
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    and drag it around as a toy.
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    Now, I'm at the keyboard on the left,
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    and this is actually the first time that we tried this.
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    I'm going to try to request this toy, the rope toy,
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    from the dolphins using the rope sound.
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    Let's see if they might actually understand what that means.
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    That's the rope whistle.
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    Up come the dolphins,
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    and drop off the rope, yay. Wow.
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    So this is only once.
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    We don't know for sure if they really understand the function of the whistles.
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    Okay, so here's a second toy in the water.
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    This is a scarf toy, and I'm trying to lead the dolphin
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    over to the keyboard to show her
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    the visual and the acoustic signal.
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    Now this dolphin, we call her "the scarf thief,"
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    because over the years she's absconded
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    with about 12 scarves.
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    In fact, we think she has a boutique somewhere in the Bahamas.
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    So I'm reaching over. She's got the scarf on her right side.
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    And we try to not touch the animals too much,
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    we really don't want to over-habituate them.
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    And I'm trying to lead her back to the keyboard.
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    And the diver there is going to activate the scarf sound
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    to request the scarf.
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    So I try to give her the scarf.
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    Whoop. Almost lost it.
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    But this is the moment where everything becomes possible.
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    The dolphin's at the keyboard.
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    You've got full attention.
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    And this sometimes went on for hours.
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    And I wanted to share this video with you
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    not to show you any big breakthroughs,
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    because they haven't happened yet,
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    but to show you the level of intention and focus
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    that these dolphins have, and interest in the system.
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    And because of this, we really decided we needed
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    some more sophisticated technology.
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    So we joined forces with Georgia Tech,
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    with Thad Starner's wearable computing group,
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    to build us an underwater wearable computer
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    that we're calling CHAT. [CHAT: Cetacean Hearing And Telemetry]
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    Now, instead of pushing a keyboard through the water,
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    the diver's wearing the complete system, and it's acoustic only,
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    so basically the diver activates the sounds on a keypad
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    on the forearm,
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    the sounds go out through an underwater speaker,
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    if a dolphin mimics the whistle
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    or a human plays the whistle, the sounds come in
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    and are localized by two hydrophones.
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    The computer can localize who requested the toy
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    if there's a word match.
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    And the real power of the system is in the real-time
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    sound recognition, so we can respond to the dolphins
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    quickly and accurately.
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    And we're at prototype stage, but this is how we hope it will play out.
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    So Diver A and Diver B both have a wearable computer
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    and the dolphin hears the whistle as a whistle,
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    the diver hears the whistle as a whistle in the water,
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    but also as a word through bone conduction.
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    So Diver A plays the scarf whistle
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    or Diver B plays the sargassum whistle
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    to request a toy from whoever has it.
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    What we hope will happen is that the dolphin mimics the whistle,
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    and if Diver A has the sargassum, if that's the sound
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    that was played and requested,
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    then the diver will give the sargassum to the requesting dolphin
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    and they'll swim away happily into the sunset
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    playing sargassum for forever.
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    Now, how far can this kind of communication go?
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    Well, CHAT is designed specifically to empower the dolphins
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    to request things from us.
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    It's designed to really be two-way.
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    Now, will they learn to mimic the whistles functionally?
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    We hope so and we think so.
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    But as we decode their natural sounds,
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    we're also planning to put those back into the computerized system.
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    For example, right now we can put their own signature whistles
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    in the computer and request to interact with a specific dolphin.
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    Likewise, we can create our own whistles,
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    our own whistle names, and let the dolphins
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    request specific divers to interact with.
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    Now it may be that all our mobile technology
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    will actually be the same technology that helps us
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    communicate with another species down the road.
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    In the case of a dolphin, you know, it's a species that,
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    well, they're probably close to our intelligence in many ways
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    and we might not be able to admit that right now,
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    but they live in quite a different environment,
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    and you still have to bridge the gap with the sensory systems.
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    I mean, imagine what it would be like
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    to really understand the mind
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    of another intelligent species on the planet.
  • 14:12 - 14:13
    Thank you.
  • 14:13 - 14:18
Could we speak the language of dolphins?
Denise Herzing

For 28 years, Denise Herzing has spent five months each summer living with a pod of Atlantic spotted dolphins, following three generations of family relationships and behaviors. It's clear they are communicating with one another -- but is it language? Could humans use it too? She shares a fascinating new experiment to test this idea.

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