Hi! My name is Sean, and I work for IDEO.org. I'm here today to tell you about an exciting human-centred design workshop that we created with Acumen. Human Centred Design starts with people, and we place people at the centre of each stage of the design process. HCD is about getting out there, prototyping rapidly and iterating until we get our ideas right. This workshop, just like the HCD process, begins with discovery. As part of this course, you'll learn interviewing skills and other design methods to give you the confidence to get out there and start the HCD process yourself. Let's hear from one of our designers: I was on an ideo.org project last year in Mexico, and we were focused on helping low-income people save more easily. One of the things we went into the field thinking was that people never had bank accounts but we found that many had had bank accounts but gave them up due to bad experiences and instead had developed all sorts of innovative ways to save in their communities, families, between friends. So what we ended up doing was shifting the focus of the project to help them save better with existing means and methods they had created. We would never had made the support breakthrough if we hadn't got out there and talked to people at the very start of the project. Thanks Adam! The next stage in the process is called Ideate. You and your design team will analyse what you learned, and begin brainstorming new ideas. This part of HCD involves lots of post-it notes. "First, to capture everything you've heard out in the field, and organise them into themes. From there, you start to brainstorm and generate ideas really quickly, and for that being visual is key. The last stage in the course is Prototyping. You'll gain the skills to build and test your ideas with real people. Most importantly, you'll learn to iterate and evolve your ideas until you get them right. Let's hear from the shop. "When we wanted to test a new model for selling low-cost, clean water in Kenya, we couldn't spend a lot of time thinking about what it would look like. Instead we went out, got some uniforms. We also made some posters, got a kiosk, and sold some items! The key was getting feedback from real people about whether or not they'd buy the product. Want some water? We created this course to give you the skills and confidence you'll need to begin designing solutions yourself. Sign up today!